
  1. J

    Remote migrate error - Insecure dependency in unlink

    I'm trying to migrate a vm from one cluster to another. The call gets accepted and a 'Migrate' task gets created on the source. It does error out with 'Error: migration problems' A qmtunnel does get created on the target cluster. It spins for a moment and then stops with status=ok. I...
  2. A

    [SOLVED] Apt repository dependency problem (watchdog)

    I got some random kernel hangs lately when testing software in LXC containers, this made me want to enable the built-in Intel watchdog in the EFI. For this I need a software keeper which is provided by the watchdog package. But when I try to install the package from the default Debian Bookworm...
  3. A

    Proxmox update from 6 to 7

    Hi, have problem with upgrade os. When i try to do apt dist-upgrade: W: (pve-apt-hook) !! WARNING !! W: (pve-apt-hook) You are attempting to remove the meta-package 'proxmox-ve'! W: (pve-apt-hook) W: (pve-apt-hook) If you really want to permanently remove 'proxmox-ve' from your system, run...
  4. T

    Proxmox fails to boot due to disc errors

    After recently rebooting my server Apollo power on again it fails to boot and enters emergency mode my disc configuration is: 2 SSDs in a zfs pool to make the boot drive. there is also a 3 terabyte hard disc for additional storage happy to give additional information but I don't have SSH...
  5. C

    Dependency failed for QEMU Guest Agent

    I'm trying to use the QEMU guest agent in a headless Debain 10 server. I am getting this error: Dependency failed for QEMU Guest Agent Can anyone help please?
  6. UdoB

    [SOLVED] Which services are safe to restart on a running system?

    After software updates I always do check for services to require a restart: ~# needrestart # take a look and then select CANCEL (or use "-b -l") ... Restarting services... Service restarts being deferred: systemctl restart corosync.service systemctl restart pve-firewall.service systemctl...
  7. M

    Upgrade from pve-manager 4.1-22 to 4.1-33 fails

    Hello all, I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I was running a recently upgraded (about a month ago) pve host and wanted to run update today. It failed on configuring pve-manager. I only pull packages from the proxmox repo and security updates from debian. # proxmox no subscription deb...