dell ml3

  1. B

    Does PBS support Dell SAS 12Gbps HBA and Dell ML3 Library?

    Hi All, I plan to install the Proxmox Backup server and to set up backup via Tape library. Can anyone shed info on whether PBS, 1. Support Dell SAS 12Gbps HBA card? 2. Support Dell ML3 tape library? Also, will be much appreciated if provide a useful PBS with tape backup guides.
  2. C


    Hello, I have a Dell ML3 LTO8 Tepe Library ( It's shown as an IBM ULT3580-HH8 ) and run Backup Server 2.1-6. I'm trying to load a tape from a slot, but it fails with the following error: sudo proxmox-tape load-media-from-slot 1 --drive lto8-drive Error: Path...