delete storage

  1. E

    Deleting a ceph pool / storage is possible despite a running VM with disks on it!

    Hello lovely people, we're currently examining if PVE is a good alternative to our old ESXi environment and Ive set up some test machines (virtualized in ESXi) in order to test some things. Ive created some Ceph pools, ran some tests (hard shutdown of the PVE nodes simulating failures) etc etc...
  2. M

    [TUTORIAL] FdiskBatch - Automatically Fdisk 1,000+ Disks at one time for ZFS pools

    I figured since I have been doing this insanity many times over I'd help others out that have to fdisk multiple disks in order to create ZFS pools. Just list the disks you want to delete all partitions (Not the OS disks please) and paste in the code section - disks=(/dev/sdi /dev/sdj) where /sdi...
  3. F

    [SOLVED] How to delete a VM or Container that has no storage and no or missing storage pool.

    Hi, I have an old VM that was existing on an old pool that I stopped and deleted in between. The VM is still listed in the web GUI, but I can't delete it. From the GUI, I have the error : TASK ERROR: storage 'pool1' does not exist (which is true). And from the command line: root@hystou2:~#...
  4. R

    Understanding ZFS: added new zfs in existing zfs pool

    Hello together, i thought i'd understood ZFS quite enough but no i am not so sure. On in my cluster consisting of two node, each having a local ZFS RaidZ2, called data (zpool), which uses all of the disks in that server except the one, Proxmox itself is installed on. I wanted to add another...