debian jessie

  1. M

    How to make use of my second HDD

    Hello together, i am running a Debian Jessie Server with two 2 TB HDDs. So far my containers are on ADA and i struggle getting my second HDD mounted to proxmox. Is it even possible to move already created VMs to another HDD ? Thanks
  2. B

    Debian Grub no ProxMox text

    Hi, I will go straight to the point. I have a ProxMox 4.4 over Debian Jessie installation, I followed the tutorial from ProxMox wiki.This installation was made inside VirtualBox and everything went fine I have a GRUB bootscreen like this: I followed the same tutorial on my dedicated server...
  3. D

    [SOLVED] dpkg dependency problems while installing proxmox 4

    Greetings, I've been attempting to install proxmox onto my server for a bit now and every time I try to download the needed software it comes up with an error apt install proxmox-ve ntp ssh postfix ksm-control-daemon open-iscsi This is what happens after I run that command root@dellper610:~#...