
  1. T

    [SOLVED] Proxmox with router as a VM appliance - will it work?

    Hi, I have the following setup: ┌──────┐ ┌────────┤ AP │ xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx │ └──────┘ x xx xxxx │ xxxx xxx ┌─────┴┐...
  2. G

    Home Network Setup with pfSense for home automation

    Hi, I am not sure how to setup home networking as there are many involved parts (Modem, Router, VM, WLAN, LAN) and I can't get it to work. First, let me explain my prior setup: I get Internet through a 4G modem (Huawei) with IP range 192.168.1.x, where I have disabled Wifi. To this modem, a...
  3. M

    Proxmox with Cloudflare

    Hi, I am running proxmox on my LAN and DD-WRT for my router... I want to use cloudflare with proxmox, but cloud flare only allows these ports(https): 2087, 2096, 8443. Any other port is blocked. But proxmox VNC ports are 5900-5999... how can I set an iptables rule to forward any outbound traffic...