
  1. grin

    Any news on lxc online migration?

    It's been more than 2 years now since I last asked about the status report of online migration of containers. Oh, and got no answer, so it's been 5 years since I have heard anything about this from you guys. Would be nice to know that at least you keep in mind that we're right here waiting...
  2. M

    criu or how to migrate containers

    Hi, I want to be able to migrate LXC container from one Proxmox node to the next. Right now I am doing backup/restore. criu supposedly allows for live migration. Should I hold my breath for Proxmox to provide an interface to migrating container from one node to the next, or would that mean a...
  3. H

    LXD 4.20 supports live migration of LXC containers LXD now has live migration. Perhaps recently the CRIUgenic technology has advanced a bit and Proxmox can start looking into this as well?
  4. grin

    CRIU / LXC online migration status

    I would really appreciate a thread where there would be a continuous, complete status report about LXC online migration; I mean: what have you done to make it work; why it doesn't work now; who and what should be done to make it work; is there any timeframe for that; i$ there any way to $peed...
  5. M

    CRIU Experiment

    Hello everyone, has anyone installed CRIU in proxmox nodes to experiment live migration? How did you do so? I know it's not stable and I'll not install it on production. I would like to install it on my laboratory (kind of sandbox). Any guidance would be great! Thanks in advance
  6. M

    Live migration LXC

    Hello, I am serving a videoconference application and I want to compare the performance between VMs and LXC, specially in case of migrating the server. For VMs, I have an NFS server where I store the disk of the VM hosting the server. Now, I wonder how to set up the configuration of LXC to...