
  1. O

    I want to know the Creation date of virtual machines. full list. HELP !!!

    Hello there, I want to know the Creation date of virtual machines. I need to list all virtual machines. I tried it with pvesh commands, but it does not give the creation date. How do I find out the creation date?
  2. DynFi User

    Custom LXC container recipe

    Hello, I would like to build a custom LXC container and use it as a template (and be able to use it as any already existing template (like ubuntu 22, or debian…)), we need to add couple of customized settings into this Master template. Then we will use this template to setup customer's...
  3. P

    Cloud-init ready image fails to set login credentials from a terraform script

    Hi, I would like to provision basic architecture consisting of several master, agent and balancer VMs, totaling at 8 resources. All of the VMs are to be cloned from a prepared cloud-init ready VM template using a Terraform script. When cloning from a template with login credentials already...
  4. T

    Not Able to Create Unprivileged LXC container

    Hello, I already have multiple container running in privileged mode. I discovered the way to migrate into unprivileged with the backup and restore trick. I have existing hand made template for debian 8 and 9. I'm not able to create CT in unprivileged but backup and restore trick still...