cluster migrate

  1. H

    Cluster VM Migration

    Hello everybody , i have a problem with migrating vm in cluster with mounted cloud init drive. When i want to migrate i have the following output: use dedicated network address for sending migration traffic (x.x.x.x) 2019-02-04 14:22:45 starting migration of VM 104 to node 'proxmox` (x.x.x.x)...
  2. H

    [SOLVED] Host key verification failed when migrate

    I have a PVE cluster with 6 nodes. It run well in the last year. I upgrade from v4.4 to v5.1 today, now i can not migrate any vm or ct 2018-02-24 20:19:57 # /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=ynode004' root@ /bin/true 2018-02-24 20:19:57 Host key verification...