
  1. J

    Ceph RBD Storage Shrinking Over Time – From 10TB up to 8.59TB

    I have a cluster with three Proxmox servers connected via Ceph. Since the beginning, the effective storage was 10TB, but over time, it has decreased to 8.59TB, and I don’t know why. The filesystem is RBD. Why is my Ceph RBD storage shrinking? How can I reclaim lost space?
  2. J

    VM not a bootable disk

    Hi, thanks in advance. I made a VM's clone from one node to another one (in my cluster). The process created a new logical volume in my node, however my VM does not boot correclty as you can see in the image (posted). I have my logical volume /dev/main/vm-303-disk-0, but I cannot understand...
  3. O

    VM not pinging in 1 subnet between nodes

    Hello to all, here is my problem, I currently have 1 cluster of 4 nodes. The addresses of my proxmox servers are as follows: host1 host2 host3 host4 If I ping them together, no problem. I have 1 network card on server...