ceph remove problems

  1. A

    [SOLVED] OSDs still exist after removal of a node

    Hi, I removed one node from the cluster using 'pvecm delnode node_name"'. (before executing this, I removed the node from monitor and manager list and shut it down) Now, the OSDs are in down/out status and I am unable to remove it from GUI (since the node removed already). How can I remove...
  2. Vanderhorn

    Proxmox VE 6 CEPH renew failure

    We have a cluster of four almost identical servers: - CPU E5-2620v4@2.10GHz (2x16core) - RAM 128, 128, 256, 256 GB - 4x NIC 10Gb, 2x1Gb - 2x SSD 400GB (PVE) - 6x SSD 1TB (VM's on CEPH) - 8x HDD 1TB (backup, misc) The first server has PVE5 (will get a fresh PVE6 soon), the others have PVE6...