ceph jewel

  1. J

    Journals missing or in the wrong place?

    Good morning all, On each of my Ceph nodes I have 2 SSD's for journals. /dev/sdj & /dev/sdk While upgrading from Hammer -> Jewel I noticed something that I think is odd, but I'm not sure. It appears that some of my OSD's either may not have journals, or the journal is not set to one of the...
  2. A

    Proxmox with Ceph Lumionous

    Hi Guys, We're currently running a Promox 4.2 cluster with Ceph Infernalis. The Ceph managers run on external hardware, not the Proxmox hosts. We are considering upgrading to ceph Luminous for a bunch of reason. Everything looked good until I saw this on the ceph docs. WHICH CLIENT VERSIONS...
  3. B

    CEPH: inconsistent PG did not heal first and then heals ...

    Hello all, Few days ago I've been warned about a 1 pgs inconsistent; 1 scrub error on my PM4.4 cluster: root@pve2:~# ceph health detail HEALTH_ERR 1 pgs inconsistent; 1 scrub errors pg 8.2f is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [0,1,2] 1 scrub errors After investigation it appeared that PG...
  4. M

    [SOLVED] Function not implemented TASK ERROR: create failed - rbd create

    Hi Guys, i just upgraded our ceph to jewel for almost 1 month now. today when we try to create new vm using ceph storage we receive below error: ()error writing header: (38) Function not implemented TASK ERROR: create failed - rbd create vm-101-disk-1' error: error writing header: (38)...