ceph 18.2

  1. B

    How to upgrade Ceph 18.2.2 to 18.2.4

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to upgrade Ceph from 18.2.2 to 18.2.4. I've found this document describing going from Reef to Squid but I want to get to the latest Reef 18.2.4 first. I know I can use that procedure to get to 18.2.4 if I don't update my ceph repo file to squid but then I'll...
  2. B

    Install specific proxmox/ceph versions

    I have a virtual cluster within my active ProxMox cluster. The versions they are running have gotten out of sync and I want to get them back in sync before I upgrade my live cluster to ProxMox v8.3.1 and Ceph Squid so I can do a test upgrade in my virtual cluster. I need my virtual cluster to...
  3. L

    [SOLVED] CEPH OSDs Full, Unbalanced PGs, and Rebalancing Issues in Proxmox VE 8

    Scenario I have a Proxmox VE 8 cluster with 6 nodes, using CEPH as distributed storage. The cluster consists of 48 OSDs, distributed across 4 servers with SSDs and 2 with HDDs. Monday night, three OSDs reached 100% capacity and crashed: osd.16 (pve118) osd.23 (pve118) osd.24 (pve119) Logs...
  4. K

    Ceph upgrade

    Hello, After adding the new node to the cluster, I installed ceph on it. Ceph installed itself with version 18.2.4, on the others it is version 18.2.2. I would like to do a ceph update on the other nodes. What is the safest way to do this? If there is data on osd's can it be done live or should...
  5. C

    3 Day Snapshot Retention for Ceph RBD Storage

    We are still investigating if Ceph will be good for our production storage. We love the high availability and speed of Ceph, but there are certain aspects that we miss from VMWare and iSCSI storage. One of them being snapping a storage pool. We know this would be possible with Ceph if Proxmox...
  6. J

    Poor WinServer 2022/2019 performance on Proxmox 8.2.4 / Ceph 18.2.2

    Hi All, I have a 6 x Dell R740xd Cluster with Proxmox 8.2.4 / Ceph 18.2.2, 26 x OSD (a mix of Toshiba and Intel enterprise-grade SSD 1.92TB drives), and a dedicated 10G network (4 x uplinks in a bond) for both the public and cluster networks, rbd pool replica x3 and EC: 5+1 Question: We've...
  7. P

    Proxmox Ceph Missing RGW Module

    I've just installed radosgw with apt install radosgw on my Proxmox Ceph 18.2.4 Reef cluster as well as the Ceph dashboard in the hopes of managing the object storage from it, however the dashboard throws a number of internal errors as it requires the rgw module to be enabled. When checking the...
  8. P

    [BUG] CRC errors with Ceph

    Hey Proxmox Forum, I am happy with proxmox for many years, but have a bug that we could not solve here. We have a "buggy" VM that we can start and run into massive CRC Ceph errors till the VM crashes. That makes the full host laggy too. We have the problem only with one VM and could delete but...
  9. R

    Ceph dashboard RGW problem

    Hi, I have a proxmox cluster consisting of five nodes. I have tried to configuring an RGW instance and then using the Ceph dashboard to configure the buckets and users but this fails. The command that I supposed to be used for this, ceph dashboard set-rgw-credentials fails with Error EINVAL: No...
  10. W

    Can't install Ceph even on clean Proxmox installs.

    We have been using Proxmox and Ceph for quite a while now; unfortunately, when we attempted to setup a new cluster a few days ago, the Ceph install failed. We are doing all of this as the root user. The error occurs when Ceph attempts to add the ssh keys to localhost error: PermissionError...
  11. V

    [SOLVED] ceph cluster rebuild - Import bluestore OSDs from old cluster (bad fsid) - OSD dont start. He only stays in down state

    ceph version 18.2.2 (e9fe820e7fffd1b7cde143a9f77653b73fcec748) reef (stable) Hello everyone, please we need your help to import the bluestore OSDs to the new cluster, because after trying to import, we noticed that the OSDs do not start. They are only in a "down" state and are imported as...
  12. R

    Can no longer clone - Change to Ceph Keyring?

    Please help: I can no longer clone a VM due to a keyring error, and I'm not sure what has gone wrong. Has there been a change the location or method for the ceph client keyring storage? Some time within the last month, during which I definitely did a few updates, I am no longer able to clone...
  13. E

    [SOLVED] Ceph performance degradation

    Hello, i've build a 3 nodes PVE cluster with following specificities by nodes 128Go RAM 3x2,5 GBPS networks cards ( Service / Admin / Ceph) - Operation will be to change CEPH network cards from 2,5 to 10GPBS in proach future 5 1To OSDs (ssd) hosting their own OSD caches All was ok...
  14. Z

    [SOLVED] Ceph update von 17 auf 18

    Hallo Zusammen, Ich habe folgendes problem: Ich habe meine Ceph von 17 auf 18 upgeadted, soweit ist alles in ornung, ausser, wenn ich eine Clone erstellen möchte, bekomme Ich folgendes fehlermeldung: "qemu-img: Could not open...
  15. B

    Adding a Second Public Network to Proxmox VE with Ceph Cluster

    Hello Proxmox Community, I am currently running a Proxmox VE cluster with Ceph storage, and I would like to add a second public network to my configuration. Here is my current setup: network interface: root@s1proxmox01:~# ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state...
  16. A

    Kuriosität MTU 9000

    Hallo Zusammen, wir haben 8 Proxmox Server 8.1.1 mit Ceph 18.2.2 reef und Kernel 6.5.13-5-pve. Die Änderung der MTU auf 9000 für das Corosync Netzwerk lief problemlos, das Einzige was uns verwundert hat ist das wir alle Ceph OSD einmal neustarten mussten, da bei allen Slow Ops gemeldet wurden...
  17. F

    How to determine or limit CephFs size ?

    Hello all, We're running our servers on a PRoxmox 8.1 cluster, and there is Ceph installed. I have both ceph block pool and cephfs pool using actively. But it seems like i divides into 2 our total usable storage size and i dont know how to determine limits i need. Now it's like 20TB-20TB...
  18. D

    Ceph/RBD trim with Proxmox 8.2.2 and Ceph 18 (Reef)?

    In searching for information on this, what I found seems to more than a little confusing. This thread says 'solved' https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/trim-discard-with-ceph-rbd.77756/ .. but it seems like an awkward work around. I found this too...
  19. SpeakEZ.ai

    [TUTORIAL] Request for community help - S3 on Ceph cluster

    We are soo... close! I have an NFS share set up with turnkey file server and a cephFS instance for the "backplane". I've made some headway with getting cephadm set up and sharing some of the managers and monitors between them (though that still has some rough edges) but I *still* don't *quite*...
  20. U

    Self Signed Cert issue

    I am having this issue when trying to setup the Ceph dashboard in proxmox. Doing some research I can not find any clues as to why I am getting this error. Any ideas on what to try? I was following this KB: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/mgr/dashboard/#enabling