ceph 18.2

  1. B

    Adding a Second Public Network to Proxmox VE with Ceph Cluster

    Hello Proxmox Community, I am currently running a Proxmox VE cluster with Ceph storage, and I would like to add a second public network to my configuration. Here is my current setup: network interface: root@s1proxmox01:~# ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state...
  2. A

    Kuriosität MTU 9000

    Hallo Zusammen, wir haben 8 Proxmox Server 8.1.1 mit Ceph 18.2.2 reef und Kernel 6.5.13-5-pve. Die Änderung der MTU auf 9000 für das Corosync Netzwerk lief problemlos, das Einzige was uns verwundert hat ist das wir alle Ceph OSD einmal neustarten mussten, da bei allen Slow Ops gemeldet wurden...
  3. F

    How to determine or limit CephFs size ?

    Hello all, We're running our servers on a PRoxmox 8.1 cluster, and there is Ceph installed. I have both ceph block pool and cephfs pool using actively. But it seems like i divides into 2 our total usable storage size and i dont know how to determine limits i need. Now it's like 20TB-20TB...
  4. D

    Ceph/RBD trim with Proxmox 8.2.2 and Ceph 18 (Reef)?

    In searching for information on this, what I found seems to more than a little confusing. This thread says 'solved' https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/trim-discard-with-ceph-rbd.77756/ .. but it seems like an awkward work around. I found this too...
  5. SpeakEZ.ai

    [TUTORIAL] Request for community help - S3 on Ceph cluster

    We are soo... close! I have an NFS share set up with turnkey file server and a cephFS instance for the "backplane". I've made some headway with getting cephadm set up and sharing some of the managers and monitors between them (though that still has some rough edges) but I *still* don't *quite*...
  6. U

    Self Signed Cert issue

    I am having this issue when trying to setup the Ceph dashboard in proxmox. Doing some research I can not find any clues as to why I am getting this error. Any ideas on what to try? I was following this KB: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/mgr/dashboard/#enabling
  7. SpeakEZ.ai

    [SOLVED] A smoother Ceph reset experience

    I really like what Proxmox VE has done for creating a cluster. I'd *prefer* that there be a smoother reset experience for removing and re-adding a node to a cluster than going to the command line, but I can live with hand-jamming a one-liner. Caph is *not* like that - and in general I've found...
  8. SpeakEZ.ai

    [SOLVED] radosgw install (attempt) odd error messages

    I'm using this page as a guide for adding radosgw to Ceph in order to run S3 APIs in a dedicated pool. This is the error I get when running "apt install radosgw" > apt install radosgw Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Some packages...
  9. I

    Ceph select specific OSD to form a Pool

    Hello there, I want to create two separate pools in my CEPH. At the moment I have a configuration made on 4 nodes with m.2 NVMe drives as OSDs. My nodes also have SATA SSD drives which I'd like to use for 2nd pool but I don't see any option to select these OSDs, you just add them and that's it...
  10. I

    Why my CEPH is so slow?

    Hi there. So I went thru many, many posts on this forum but I cannot find some working solution for my CEPH. Here is my configuration Cluster and ceph operate on one 10G network, VMs use separate 1G networks I have 3 nodes setup where each physical machine has 256GB of RAM (usage max 70%) For...
  11. B

    Proxmox v7.2 with Ceph Reef 18.2.0

    Is Proxmox v7.2 compatible with Ceph Reef 18.2.0? Note: Ceph Reef 18.2.0 will be external Ceph
  12. H

    Proxmox Cluster with Ceph on 4 Nodes - but need the Quorum healthy with 2 nodes

    Hello Board, working on a proxmox cluster with 4 nodes. 2 Nodes are Servers for VM's containing all sorts of systems services mostly based on some Linux Distris such as Debian/Ubuntu etc. Those 2 Nodes are running HA and Ceph so they are completely redundant to each others. 2 Nodes are SDN...
  13. J

    Fresh install 8.1.4 + Ceph 18.4 = Broken install w. multiple issues

    Hi, Tried yet again to reinstall PMX 8.1.4 and Ceph 18.4 and have the same identical results. Issues i detect is as follows below in the screenshots, but also seems like symlinks is missing and cannot be created. Seems this is very buggy release and i cant find a way forward. file...
  14. J

    PMX 8.1.4 - Ceph 18.2.1 install fail/ Non-operational

    Hi, I have used proxmox since about 6-7 years with CEPH as storage, and just reinstalled the servers 4 host cluster with 8.1.4 and Ceph Reef (18.2.1) and must admit its been the most challenging part of Proxmox so far. Even fresh install it been multiple but this one is a show stopper. Ceph...
  15. T

    Ceph Nested fault domains?

    Broadcom is here. I began exploring Proxmox + Ceph yesterday. Got a nested 3 node spun up and now diving into Ceph. Does Ceph offer a protection scheme similar to VMware VSAN 2 host mirroring (Nested fault domains) ? If not familiar - with VSAN 2/3 node cluster having 3 disk groups within a...
  16. P

    CEPH Recovery/ Rebalance back and forth ?

    Recovery/ Rebalance What could cause this behaviour ? all disks are fine, no osd failing. One empty vm are using the ceph as storage so bascially no usage. I have verified smartctl on all ssds. why is the cluster rebalancing ? now and then ? is that expected behaviour?
  17. A

    ceph gui error timout and not able to connect to monitor after changing all cluster nodes to new ips

    Hi, I had to change the public ip of the nodes in the cluster (3 nodes) to a new network ip, moved from 192.168.7.x to 192.168.29.x to do that after initial simple node network ip changes I followed the following guide and steps...
  18. S

    2 Node Proxmox Ceph Cluster

    Hello, we recently got new Servers for our organization and havent really had experience with Proxmox before. We migrated everything from VMWare to Proxmox. Worked really well. Now we are facing the problem that we dont have Node failover since our Pool min_size is 2. A little bit about our...
  19. A

    Windows VM nach Konvertierung von vmware nach pve langsamer als neu gebaute vm

    Ich habe ein PVE 8.1 Cluster mit Ceph reef Cluster aktiv. Das Ceph Cluster besteht aus reinen HDD Platten und NVMEs als WAL/DB. Angebunden ist es mit 10G. Auf den Proxmox laufen neu erstelle Windows Server 2022 VMs und auch welche die von VMWare nach Proxmox konvertiert wurden. Die...
  20. t.lamprecht

    Ceph 18.2 Reef Available and Ceph 16.2 Pacific soon to be EOL

    Hi Community! The recently released Ceph 18.2 Reef is now available on all Proxmox Ceph repositories to install or upgrade. Upgrades from Quincy to Reef: You can find the upgrade how to here: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Ceph_Quincy_to_Reef New Installation of Reef: Use the updated ceph...


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