
  1. A

    Question about Backup Pruning

    Hello, i am working with one Proxmox BS and multiple PVE servers and managed to configure it accordingly so that the pbs does backups of my vms regularly. But i have a question regarding the Backup schedules and the pruning of backups. Some of my VMs seem to do their backups just as intended...
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    [SOLVED] Backups: trigger pruning manually

    I have mounted a SMB share for backups which proved very unreliable during the backup process. I switched to a hook script now, copying the backup file via scp to the remote destination. However, I would still like to trigger the pruning of backups as setup for this storage location. Can I do...
  3. S

    backup files management

    Hello dears i have question about backup files management. Can I say To be kept the first backup forever? And other backups To be kept once a week? (actually my question is how can i keep one backup forever?) my command is now: vzdump 384286 --prune-backups keep-weekly=1 --mode snapshot...