backup schedule

  1. J

    A Little Scheduling Help

    Hi all, i have an extremely simple question that i just. can't. figure. out. i think i have tried about every combination possible, so i just gave up and am asking for someone to take 30 seconds and write it out for me. simple question: i need a proxmox backup scheduled between 8:00 and...
  2. T

    7.0-11 & 7.1-4 Differing backup schedule options?

    Hi all, I have noticed that the backup scheduler options in 7.1-4 differ substantially from 7.0-11. Why is this and whats the correct method in 7.1-4 for a daily 00:00 run? Thanks 7.1-4: 7.0-11:
  3. L

    [SOLVED] Backup schedule menu PVE7

    Hi guys! I'm using Proxmox VE6, and there I had very flexible backup schedule. Now I've started using Proxmox VE7 with ceph. And I was surprised when I found awful backup schedule there. I thought, maybe I can add task manualy by editing /etc/cron.d/vzdump but in PVE7 that file is empty (but I...