backup notification

  1. R

    Notification mystery

    Hello, ... we changed our mail server and now we have to edit all mail clients, on proxmox too. Under Datacenter > notification wie created a new SMTP and tested it : All OK, testmail arrieved the admins mail account. But admin gets no notification from the inside backup. With our old mail...
  2. C

    [SOLVED] Email notifications (smtp) in PBS

    I recently installed PBS 3.1 and I'm trying to get email notifications working for sync, verification, etc. Backup notifications from PVE are working just fine. This only relates to PBS. I have selected my "notify user" with a valid corporate email address and I have chosen "Always" for all...
  3. E

    Is it possible to get a short summary in notifications instead of every detail?

    Is it possible to get Gotify and Email notifications with just a summary instead of every detail in notifications. For example New software packages available with a full table of updates. Backup notifications includes all the progress percentage from 0% to 100% Long list of progress. Just a...
  4. B

    Proxmox VE Notifications ignoring /etc/hosts (kinda)

    Due to some intricacies of reverse-proxy stuff (which I'm really not going to go into for security reasons), I have added an entry to the /etc/hosts file for every node in a particular Proxmox VE cluster. This is so that the FQDN of the SMTP server I am sending notifications through resolves to...
  5. P

    Wie PBS notification einrichten

    Hallo liebe Mitstreiter, ich würde gerne die Notification einrichten auf dem PBS, wo man einstellt wann wer Infos bekommt habe ich schon gefunden - aber wo stelle ich den Mailserver usw. ein. Mit dem Link in der Doku ( komme ich...
  6. H

    [SOLVED] Backup always sends emails

    Hello, Since I updated to 8.0.9, I have an issue when it comes to backups. I'm backing up to a Proxmox Backup Server but, even though the backup notify is set to "On failure only", I always get an email, even if there's no error present in the backup process. Any clue what might be the cause...