backup 4.4 error input/output -5

  1. A

    Backup VM job failed with err -5 - Input/output error

    Hi guys, I'm having a problem when backing up my VM's and I get the error job failed with err -5 - Input/output error
  2. G

    Backup Error Directory not empty (os error 39) / -5 - Input/output error

    Hallo Zusammen Gerne möchte ich euch nach Rat fragen. Ich habe in meiner Homelab Umgebung 14 VM's und 12 LXC's am laufen. EIne Backupjob sichert alle Systeme auf einen lokalen Backupserver, welcher dann an einen entfernten Standort repliziert. Leider habe ich nun seit gut 2 Wochen ein Problem...
  3. J

    ERROR: Backup of VM 100 failed - job failed with err -5 - Input/output error

    Hi, I have a proxmox server running 2 VM's: The first is 700Gb and the second is 32Gb. I'm having the below errors (seems a bad sector) when trying to backup the first 700Gb machine to an external HDD while the second succeeded. Any help is really appreciated as it is critical to have a...
  4. M

    [Backup] ERROR: job failed with err -5 - Input/output error

    Good evening everyone, first of all thanks to those who can help me! Below is the error: INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 100 --mode snapshot --remove 0 --compress 0 --node pve --storage bck INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (qemu) INFO: Backup started at 2021-11-14 19:20:59 INFO: status =...
  5. L

    Error backup virtual machine

    hello community I tried to make a backup of the following virtual machine and I throw the following error when it reaches 10% of the process. I leave you the result that shows the system during the process of creating the backup, I tried the 3 ways (suspend, stop, snapshot). I appreciate the...
  6. J

    PXMX 4.4 Error Backup: -5 input/output error

    Hi Everybody! Scene: i have proxmox 4.4 with 3 virtual machines (VM's 100,200 and 300), i make backup 300 and 200, all ok, but the backup with the 100 is impossible, i got this error when the backup reaches the 11%. The space on the machines are similar (50-70 Gb). I try to make backup to a...