
  1. E

    Automate Migration: Multiple Proxmox VMs to Azure Cloud?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to migrate several virtual machines currently running on Proxmox VE to Microsoft Azure Cloud. Ideally, I'd like to automate this process as much as possible to minimize downtime and ensure consistency. Has anyone here tackled a similar migration from Proxmox to Azure...
  2. R

    Backup based on tags

    Hi Proxmox community, Is ist possible to control the PBS backup based on tags for vm's? Example: vm101 - tag: debian, fileserver, weekly vm102 - tag: windows, ad, daily vm103 - tag debian, test, none Our idea: PBS shall read the tags of the vm's automatically and perform the backup of the...
  3. A

    VM Hibernation by signal.

    Hello! Problem: I have a Proxmox 7.4.3 VE, and one VM on it. This server is connected to a uninterruptible power supply. The UPS is supplied with a network card. If the main power is turned off, the server will automatically switch to power supply from UPS and we will have around 10 minutes to...
  4. G

    [SOLVED] Full VM restart to apply HW changes but automatically

    Is there a way to restart the VM automatically such that VM hardware changes get applied? I know there's a reset and reboot option, but both of these don't apply hardware changes. I have a router running as a VM, what I would like is to fully reboot a VM 'automatically' when applying...
  5. V

    Tool to talk to all Hosts on the whole cluster

    I want to be able to deploy VMs, which automatically start on multiple hosts in my proxmox cluster. And I want to be able to change a VLAN on all VMs which have this specific VLAN configured with one script / one command. Does someone have a tool for cluster-wide deployments / cluster-wide...
  6. P

    [TUTORIAL] CheckMK local check for monitoring backup status

    Hi! I just wanted to share my script to monitor the backup status for the vms in Proxmox. It is written for use in CheckMK. You need to have the CheckMK linux client installed on proxmox. I should be easily adaptable for other systems like zabbix, nagios etc. You need to put the script in...
  7. U

    CloudImg VM won't boot, stuck at "starting serial terminal on interface serial0"

    I'm trying to automate the creation of VMs using cloudimg's and I've got a template and a clone created, but the clone VM won't start it just says "starting serial terminal on interface serial0". This is my script: wget...
  8. F

    Noob backup strategy

    TL;DR Is copying the datastore (the files) of PBS to a remote destination a sufficient backup solution? Can I use them files to recreate my VM on a new system if the old fails? How can approach automatically running a rclone command when a backup is done without knowing anything about scripting...
  9. U

    [SOLVED] Trying to automate the creation of virtual machines using ansible; "authorization on proxmox cluster failed with exception"

    This is my ansible playbook: --- - hosts: gluster-test become: true tasks: - name: Create new VM with minimal options community.general.proxmox_kvm: proxmox_default_behavior: 'no_defaults' api_user: 'root@pam' api_password: 'blahblahblah' api_host...
  10. V

    Post-Installation script

    Is there any way to run a post-installation script (bash) when a new VM is created using a fresh linux image or a template ? I want to create and setup Nginx/FTP (well LEMP) automatically when a new VM is created. I thought about creating a template with both of them installed but that will...