
  1. C

    Proxmox/OKTA LDAP interface integration

    Hi All, I'm trying to configure Proxmox for authentication using the OKTA LDAP interface. After configuring Proxmox realms, I can see the connection is working and pulls groups from OKTA, but user sync doesn't work. Here are the user filters that I have tried. (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)...
  2. D

    Different SMTP/TLS Auth to same destination server based on sender address?

    We want to implement a mail gateway that is forwarding email to a specific mail host based on the MX record. However, the login credentials should be different (for that same mail host) based on the sender address. The email is sent from an application server via SMTP to the local Proxmox Mail...
  3. T

    failed to parse server response using OIDC with Hashicorp Vault as provider

    I'm having issues configuring Hashicorp Vault as an OIDC realm provider for PVE. Once configured, I'm getting the following error when I try to login: OpenID redirect failed. Failed to parse server response (500) This is the realm configuration: openid: vault client-id <REDACTED>...
  4. S

    web login failed, when still one node

    Hello all. Maybe someone can help me. I have two nodes cluster. And when i losing link with one of them, i cant login via web by root user. Web interface returned error - "login failed. Please try again". SSH - work fine, and old session keep work, until logout. what i have: 2 nodes Proxmox...
  5. T

    PBS behind proxy

    If PBS behind proxy and the default port is not 8007, then you can set at GUI Remote/Host like "". It would be nice if you could include it in the documentation But if your PBS protected by basic auth, then you could't set ""