asus hyper m.2

  1. P

    [SOLVED] Unable to create zfs pool with ASUS Hyper M.2 adapter card

    Hi all, Last ditch effort to hopefully find a solution before I use a different FS (but would much rather ZFS)! If any of the below is not clear or I have left out important information please do let me know. Appreciate any help and advice. Problem Unable to create a ZFS pool using the drives...
  2. S

    AER errors flooding syslog

    Looking for some assistance with this error. I just installed Proxmox for the first time to give it a spin and I'm running into AER errors with my ASUS Hyper M.2 X16 PCIe 4.0 X4 Expansion Card that is populated with 4 NVMe drives. This is device_id: 0000:81:00.0. This is an Epyc system on a...