
  1. O

    Constant Kernel Warnings even after Update has Run

    Hi any update i do i have started getting a few screen pop up about kernel mismatch. I keep following the instructions but it never seems to update them I also see this "ASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/termproxy 5900 --path /nodes/proxmox --perm Sys.Console -- /usr/bin/pveupgrade --shell' failed...
  2. H

    Unable to boot "Arch-Linux-x86_64-cloudimg.qcow2" with OVMF (UEFI) BIOS - Even with Secure Boot Disabled

    Proxmox Version: 7.4-3 I am trying to install Arch Linux via the official cloud image, which lists Proxmox as a tested provider: The page above details the Proxmox installation process in the table, with a link to the cloud image being...
  3. O

    [SOLVED] Physical drive EFI disk passthrough issues.

    I created a new virtual machine on proxmox using OMVF for UEFI support for my Arch Linux install, after finishing setup I shutdown the VM, detached the CD/ROM drive, and used "qm set <VMID> -efidisk0 /dev/disk/by-id/<DISKID-PART#-OFEFI>,efitype=4m,format=raw" followed by "qm set <VMID> -scsi0...
  4. M

    systemd 244.1 breaks networking in LXC

    Hi everyone, Just thought I would let everyone know that upgrading systemd to 244.1 will break networking if running in LXC container. Found out the hard way and I'm probably one of the first ones since I'm running ArchLinux in LXC and systemd just got bumped up to 244.1. Looking at systemd...
  5. C

    [SOLVED] Manjaro (Arch) no X / Console

    Hey all... first.. i'm a beginner in 'nix, still :) But i try my best. I try to install Manjaro Architect 17.04 with i3 "Desktop" as Proxmox 5.0 guest. This is my qmid.conf balloon: 8 bios: ovmf bootdisk: sata0 cores: 4 efidisk0: local:100/vm-100-disk-2.qcow2,size=128K ide2...