
  1. C

    AMD PState & zfs RAID1 issue

    Hi@all, I recognize a wire behavior / issue with my pve installation. My servers running most likely the same both have an Gigabyte MC12-LE0 with 32GB RAM. One server has an AMD R5 3600 and the other one an AMD R7 3700x. I installed pve on a NVME SSD on the server with the R5 3600. On the...
  2. G

    Pve-kernel amd pstate not working (the _CPC object is not present)

    Hi everyone, That some time I'm trying to change the scaling governor from performance to on demand. Every time I change it the server crash. I have been searching some information about this and found that the amd pstate for zen2 and zen3 it's not manage correctly by the kernel. by running...
  3. D

    AMD pstate Behavior on Epyc Rome

    Hello all, I am curious about the behavior I am seeing while using amd_pstate=active in my grub configuration. I have EPP set to "balance_performance" and the scaling governor set to "powersave". This seems to so far to be the best method for power reduction without totally killing performance...
  4. L

    AMD pstate driver steps and discussion

    Hi, everyone. I spent the morning trying to figure this all out, and I think I've gotten it. So the first part are the steps I took to get the AMD P-States driver for CPU scaling to work. The second part is a discussion on using this driver and the benefits, if any, of changing this over...