alpine container

  1. F

    Problem with LXC

    Hello everyone, I wanted to configure LXC alpine to use jellyfin in docker but I am facing problem after setting lxc.idmap forwarding. Docker works before these settings. I need to transfer 44 to 27 from the host. 101 has docker in LXC, and on the host 'input', and 104 to 104. Unfortunately, I...
  2. M

    Alpine cant mount smb share with 'netmount' enabled on boot

    I'm facing an issue with my Proxmox setup, specifically regarding automounting an SMB share on boot within a privileged LXC container running Alpine 3.18. I have followed the steps outlined below, but the share doesn't mount automatically on boot. 1. Added the following entry to /etc/fstab...
  3. S

    Alpine containers broken?

    I've been using Proxmox for a while with both VMs and containers. I wanted to test Alpine linux in a container but it seems to me the template is broken or it works quite differently than the Debian or Ubuntu images. The problem is a cannot login into it. Do they start a SSH server? I usually...
  4. M

    Host kernel warning accessing /proc/meminfo on Alpine containter

    I am new to PVE, testing version 6.1-8 on Debian 10 Buster. I am encountering a weird issue using a Alpine 3.9 unprivileged LXC container built from alpine-3.9-default-20190224_amd64.tar.xz template: I have set 1GB RAM for the container. Here is the output of free -m: total...