
  1. F

    Spamassassin rules, words with accent

    Hello, I have a general question about Spamassassin. If I want to block terms with accents ( é, è , à..), what is the best way to proceed? - Characters substitutions ( .+ ) or regex containing all possible accents ? (all possibles because spammer use variantes like é,è) The problem of ".+"...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] LXC (rocky linux) : no (french) accents

    Hi to you all ! I'm having some unexpected issues to get accents in a lxc container with Rocky Linux (terminal, mousepad etc) using XFCE. This is what localectl returns : System Locale: LANG=en_US.utf8 VC Keymap: us-intl X11 Layout: us X11 Model: pc105 X11 Variant: intl...
  3. F

    [SOLVED] SpamAssassin Custom Rules are not being parsed correctly

    Hi there, I tried to configure some SpamAssassin custom rules on our PMG (/etc/mail/spamassassin/, then spamassassin --lint, then pmgconfig sync --restart 1 and systemctl restart pmg-smtp-filter) using accents from Brazilian Portuguese and it's not working as expected. The rules are...