1. J

    [SOLVED] unable to connect to Web UI but SSH works

    Whenever you cannot connect to the Web UI (login failed, please try again) and the logs in /var/log/pveproxy/access.log show HTTP 595 errors on access tickets This is most likely due to failing localhost to localhost communications, try iptables -A INPUT -i lo -s -j ACCEPT iptables...
  2. M

    Error message 595, when migrating manually

    Hello, I installed proxmox 8.2.7 on two systems and added both to a cluster. I configured replication which seems to be working fine and added all lxc to the cluster. The problem is that I am not able to use or manually migrate the lxc systems when one system is going down. I only see the error...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Change the IP address of one node inside a cluster

    Hi there, I'm recently having a two nodes Cluster of PVE in my home environment. Caused by some accidents i needed to change the IP address of one node (the other one remained where it was on the IP-range) What did i do? On both nodes (while they still had quorum) i changed the corosync.conf...