It appears i need to setup some VLANs to segment NFS properly. I'll work on that to see if it resolved the issue.
root@ProxBox01:~# ip n dev eno7 lladdr 00:02:c9:52:24:98 REACHABLE dev eno8 lladdr 0c:c4:7a:9f:23:08 STALE dev eno7 lladdr 0c:c4:7a:9f:23:08...
Hello Wolfgang,
Yes, they are all 10.10.x.x addresses in the storage.cfg file.
Here is the output:
dir: local
path /var/lib/vz
content iso,backup,vztmpl
lvmthin: local-lvm
thinpool data
vgname pve
content rootdir,images
When doing several disk moves from one NFS storage to another, i noticed that my FreeNas 10Gb NIC ( For NFS ) was capping out at 1Gbps.
I did some digging and found that ProxMox is using en1/vmbr0 to facilitate the data move.
How can i configure ProxMox to use the 10Gb links when performing a...
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