I'm not saying you were wrong with post #11, but I can't see any plan or source that the OP is using/tries to use the official PBS client repository - yet.
Not really correct. Proxmox itself is providing a client for x86-64 only, but there are some working and well maintained packages for aarch64, namely ArchLinux/aarch64 or self baked
"bookworm", not "bookwork". The latter won't run any update :)
Will this fix the issue? It should, as long there aren't already any messed up dependencies between the 3rd party sources and/or Debian.
To be sure take your SD card before update, insert it into a handsome and friendly OS and create...
You are having a mixup of "bullseye" (Debian 11) and "bookworm" (Debian 12), at least for tailscale. This may work but isn't recommended at all. Also have a look at docker.list where the wrong armhf is shown.
And better to post text output as "code" than as a not searchable picture ;)
For the 1st step please post the content of your /etc/apt/sources.list and, if applicable, the content(s) of all files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
These are the sources where the OS will download all packages from.
Oi, but your snippet above is showing "...doesn't support architectue 'armhf' "!? Looks like that you have a wrong setting in one of your sources under /etc/apt/
Nein. Der erste Block/Zeile wäre für "normale" Festplatte(n)/SSD(s), der zweite Block ist stellvertretend für meinen MegaRAID/SAS-Controller. Sind beides also nur Beispiele. Im Zweifel mit den smartmontools einfach herumspielen und/oder manpage lesen, passieren kann da nix.
Ich habe es ganz simpel laufen: Ein MTA (postfix) auf dem PVE, der jedweden Bla an mich sendet und in /etc/smartd.conf (smartmontools) die Zeile
DEVICESCAN -d removable -n standby -m mich@example.org -M exec /usr/share/smartmontools/smartd-runner
/dev/sda -d megaraid,0 -a -m...
Thread starter here... At least for my situation, unfortunately no. I've re-tried this a few months ago but still failed. Never tried again w/ PVE 8 because I'm using a dedicated small NUC-like box for tvheadend and never had any issue since then.
Great to hear that it's working, thanks for confirmation. I'm relatively sure that the port line can be removed, but I kept it for now for safety reasons. This line is a takeover from Bullseye.
My backend is "auto" and looks like to work. Can't remember if that was the default or not.
@MinishMan Glad I could give at least some help.
What about this jail and filter? (fresh and so not yet intensively tested)
enabled = true
port = https,http,8006
filter = proxmox
maxretry = 3
bantime = 3600
findtime = 300...
Correct. Keep in mind that these are my general values and only exemplary, but a somewhat good starting point. And you can take them over and adjust them in your jails for your own sake.
I had the same issue but solved it by investigating some 'lil time with ArchLinux' wiki as mentioned in #3 and created a file named /etc/fail2ban/jail.local with the exemplary content of
backend = systemd
bantime = 3600
findtime =...
Soeben nachgeholt, kann ich aber nicht bestätigen. Überhaupt ein interessantes neues Verhalten: Die Kontinuitätsfehler halten sich nun im geringen Rahmen, der Video-Stream besteht bei "reichlich Bewegung" aber nur noch aus Blockartefakten, bei ruhigen Bildern (z.B. Nachrichtensprecher) dagegen...
Danke für das Info-Update. Meinen Server habe ich noch nicht auf 7.2 gewuchtet.
Mich beschleicht allmählich das Gefühl, dass es ein generelles Problem in Bezug auf UDP zu geben scheint. Der Sat-IP - Stream ist ja UDP und ich beobachte seit einiger Zeit - gefühlt seit etwa der gleichen Zeit als...
Liebe Leidensgenossen, ich habe mittlerweile sogar mit einer VM/tvheadend die gleichen Probleme wie seinerzeit mit LXC/tvheadend. In der VM sind die Probleme zwar nicht ganz so massiv wie in LXC, aber in jeder Aufnahme oder Live-TV sind die Fehler doch alle paar Dutzend Sekunden spürbar und...
...änder den Cronjob mal auf /usr/sbin/qm ab - das wirkt Wunder ;)
Cron hat keine Shell oder Profile, von daher keine ihm bekannten Pfade und findet deshalb "qm" nicht. Eine Shell hat das alles üblicherweise.
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