Search results

  1. N

    Assign A Role to API token

    Hi, After generating an API token using a bash script, I have to assign the role DatastoreAdmin for the root@pam user for a specific datastore in PBS 3.2. In my script, I can generate the token, but I can't assign the role. Could someone maybe assist me in demonstrating how to use a bash script...
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    Proxmox7 supported raid controller

    Thank YOU! for taking the time to answer my question. I have checked the wiki page below but found nothing for reference.
  3. N

    Proxmox7 supported raid controller

    Hi, Does anyone know if the latest Proxmox 7.2-1 supports PERC H330 controller. Thank you for your quick prompts. Cheers!
  4. N

    Supported Guest OS per Release

    Thanks for your reply Dominic. Mostly, what I am looking for finding out each release of supporting OSes / release. ex: 6.2 supports WIN2019, WIN10, Win2016, CentOS8 etc... whereas 5.4 supports WIN10, Win2016, CentOS7...etc. A list of supporting guest OSes for each release. Thank you for...
  5. N

    Supported Guest OS per Release

    Hi ... I was wondering, if there is any wiki/ release note/list for supported OSes guest per Proxmox releases. Thanks.
  6. N

    ISO directories

    Decided to change the system...all is good. Thanks.
  7. N

    ISO directories

    Hi ... Comparing the 4.0 ISO with 5.0 ISO, before mounting the ISO, in 4.0 version there are /usr, /root, /lib, sbin ...etc but in 5.0 these directories are not there. Could someone please advise where I can find thenm in 5.0. Thank you so much for your help. Cheers... :)
  8. N

    modyfying Boot Order

    Hi... Using "pvesh", how can I modify the boot order in the VM config file. I have search: - without success. Thank you for your help..
  9. N

    Bonding Mode changes

    I applogize for not using the code-tags. for simple reading to debug the interface names are changed to eth0 and eth1. But in the actual interface file there are eno1 and eno2. using: proxmox-ve: 5.2-2 (running kernel: 4.15.17-1-pve) the eth0 status down is normal, since the bond mode has...
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    Bonding Mode changes

    Here is the info: Thank you for your great help.
  11. N

    Bonding Mode changes

    Hi .... In the host, Setting up the network bonding in "active-backup" mode. After creating a virtual machine, the bonding mode has changed to Balance-rr. Does anyone know what causes the bonding mode changes from mode1 active-backup to mode0 Balance-rr. Thank you for your help.
  12. N

    Execute Scripts From the Host

    Yes....That is correct. From the Host I need to connect to the VMs (Linux and Wondows) that are running on that Host and run a script. To use SSH I would need to have the IP of each Linux VM and that is not easy since i need to deal with many VMs. I thought there might be a way using 'qm' or...
  13. N

    Execute Scripts From the Host

    Hi ... I am looking for the best way to automate to run some scripts that are located in the KVMs (VMs are running Windows and Linux OS) from each host. Not sure how to automate it cleanly to connect to the VM and run the script. Would someone please have some inputs ? Thank you in advance for...
  14. N

    Backup a disk drive

    Hi, I have a VM (KVM) with two virtio drives (virtio0 and virtio1). Using command line is there a wayto back up only virtio1 and restore it in a different system. Thank you for your quick prompts.
  15. N

    raw Shrink Disk

    Hi ... With version 5.2 how can I shrink a KVM raw disk size: 'qm resize' is not supported to shrink, 'qemu-img resize -f raw /var/lib/vz/images/103/vm-103-disk-1.raw 500G' is not working also. Thank you for your help.
  16. N

    Compress raw/qcow2 Disk

    Hi, I need to move few raw and qcow2 disks from systems to systems. what is the best way to compress so that it takes less time to move these disks.
  17. N

    Attach raw and qcow2 disk to a VM

    Hi .... Is there a way to do the following steps in the below link using command line tools to attach raw and qcow2 disks format. Need to fully automate these steps attaching existing disks to VMs...
  18. N

    args: Support

    @wolfgang Great...! Appreciated your help .... My issue was the 'set' option ... did not know about it....!!
  19. N

    args: Support

    Hi Everyone.... ;) Could someone please help: How to pass '-agrs:' as an option with 'pvesh'. I have already automated creating vms (KVM) without any issues using pvesh and now, i am not able to pass args as an option to the working script. I get an error: 'unknown option: args:' the option I...
  20. N

    Accessing the host local drive

    Thanks for your great help