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    LVM-thin shared storage

    @alamadrid the information, that only the live migration is not possible over the web-interface for non-shared storages you can find here: . As far as I remember, proxmox ve has a non-shared storage "local" out of the box. You can look, how it is configured...
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    LVM-thin shared storage

    @alamadrid offline migration between nodes with not shared storage worksby us also from the Web-UI.
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    [SOLVED] KSM sharing seems not to work after 5.2->5.3

    Thank you @spirit! That was it! After starting some more vms ksm sharing started to work!
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    [SOLVED] KSM sharing seems not to work after 5.2->5.3

    Hello! Thank you for the superior product! I have just upgraded the cluster from version 5.2 to the version 5.3 . I noticed, that KSM sharing seemed not to work any more - on the dashboard in the Summary I saw always " KSM sharing 0 B". As I migrated form version 4.4 to 5.2 I experienced...
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    [SOLVED] LXC containers do not get default GW by DHCP

    There were dhcp options 121, 249 configured on the dhcp server. Deleting these options solved my problem.
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    [SOLVED] LXC containers do not get default GW by DHCP

    the same behavior with the brand new packages... P.S. As I have seen it the first time, that moment the packages were also up to date.
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    [SOLVED] LXC containers do not get default GW by DHCP

    Hi all, I am experiencing a strange behavior. My LXC containers do get IPv4 addresses by DHCP, but do not get the gateway IP address. KVM virtual machines have no such trouble. As a DHCP server it is used a bare metal pfSense 2.4.3-p1 (FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10). Have you any idea? Regards...
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    cifs: restore from lzo backup failed, from gzip - succeeded

    Unfortunately not. At the end I stopped to use lzo.
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    Get VM image in LVM storage

    look here
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    cifs: restore from lzo backup failed, from gzip - succeeded

    Unfortunately the same problem exists in the latest version. @PVE-team maybe it is better to qualify "unable to close filehandle GEN132 properly: Input/output error at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/VZDump/ line 504." as an error and not as a warning? Here are results. backup: restore:
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    cifs: restore from lzo backup failed, from gzip - succeeded

    Just tried to make lzo backup of another big vm on a cifs storage. There is the same problem: For small server lzo backups we did not see the problem.
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    cifs: restore from lzo backup failed, from gzip - succeeded

    Hello, we have a 3 node PVE 5.2-5 cluster. There is a vm, which lzo backups (CIFS storage) cannot be restored. The error message is: Interesting is, that there is a suspicious warning during the backup, but the backup is qualified as succeeded: There are no such problems with gzip-backups...
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    Cannot Add Proxmox 5.x node to Prox 4.x cluster

    As far as I know, only nodes of the same version (major.minor) can operate the right way in a cluster.
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    LXC Snapshot no available yet ? Will it work on LVM ?

    thank you for the answer, Fabian! Best regards yarick123
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    LXC Snapshot no available yet ? Will it work on LVM ?

    Hi Fabian, thank you for the answer! It is a a pity! I suppose, it worked in proxmox-ve 4.2-54. Is it absolutely not possible to have this functionality with lvm-thin? If it is impossible, the feature to create snapshots on lvm-thin seems to me not really logical: if a snapshot is created...
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    LXC Snapshot no available yet ? Will it work on LVM ?

    Unfortunately in the new version (proxmox-ve: 4.2-56) migration of volumes with snapshots does not work again: Regards yarick123
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    LXC Snapshot no available yet ? Will it work on LVM ?

    Hello Dietmar, thank you! I have just upgraded the cluster to the latest version proxmox-ve: 4.2-54 (running kernel: 4.4.10-1-pve) pve-manager: 4.2-15 (running version: 4.2-15/6669ad2c) Container (with snapshots on lvm-thin) migration works well !! Best regards yarick123
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    LXC Snapshot no available yet ? Will it work on LVM ?

    Hello, I have upgraded my systems to pve 4.2, but containers, created in the manually created lvmthin storage still do not want to migrate. The error message is the same: May 06 13:58:27 ERROR: unable to migrate 'linux_containers:vm-104-disk-1' to 'linux_containers:vm-104-disk-1' on host...
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    LXC Snapshot no available yet ? Will it work on LVM ?

    Hello, after installing thin-provisioning-tools package snapshots could be created! I tried an offline migration of an LXC container on a non-shared storage. Unfortunately it did not work arguing: "source type 'lvmthin' not implemented": Apr 11 10:12:11 starting migration of CT 103 to node...
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    Proxmox VE 4.0 beta2 released!

    Hi, thank you for the great job! Would it be possible to add a choice for LXC-Disk format to save them not only as raw images, but alternatively in is some dynamically growing format, e.g. qcow2? Best regards, yarick123