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  1. C

    Update Error with Coral TPU Drivers

    looks like you're using the kyle-gospo version of gasket-dkms which i believe is for 6.8 and above on 6.5.13-5 try following steps here the normal google version is what i am using & it's working fine albeit not surviving a reboot so i just have to run the code again i'm on 6.5.13-5-pve & it's...
  2. C

    Update Error with Coral TPU Drivers

    yep down grade from 6.8.4-3-pve proxmox-boot-tool kernel pin 6.5.13-5-pve apt install proxmox-kernel-6.5.13-5-pve-signed apt install proxmox-headers-6.5.13-5-pve which downgrades the kernel proxmox-boot-tool kernel pin 6.5.13-5-pve which pins the 6.5 kernel for boot. then reboot. then...
  3. C

    Update Error with Coral TPU Drivers

    Thank you for posting your container config. I believe I must've had something wrong in the lxc.mount.entry area that was stopping the tpu from getting recognized in frigate. Working now!
  4. C

    Update Error with Coral TPU Drivers

    Yes I've followed the above multiple times but I still can't get it going. In the lxc running below returns "/dev/apex_0" so which I think means the coral can be seen by the container? ls /dev/apex_0 Possibly something wrong with my container .conf file?
  5. C

    Update Error with Coral TPU Drivers

    Is your lxc priveleged or unpriv? This didn't work for me on kernel 6.8.4
  6. C

    Update Error with Coral TPU Drivers

    Followed the steps above & pci coral shows up just fine in frigate. This doesn't survive a 2nd reboot however? Any suggestions? root@pve:~# modinfo gasket filename: /lib/modules/6.5.11-7-pve/updates/dkms/gasket.ko author: Rob Springer <> license: GPL v2...


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