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  1. M

    qm stop OFTEN fails due to lock file. What's the correct solution?

    More often than not, qm stop fails because the lock file can't be locked. The very common workaround DOES work: delete the lock file, then run qm stop. But if that's all it takes, why bother messing with lock files at all? What's the correct way to fix this, so qm stop actually works without...
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    Windows 10 VM: Ping event is logged every 11 seconds by qemu-ga??!! How To Fix?

    I have my first Windows VM. I was shocked to discover, when examining the Event Viewer, that qemu-ga is recording a "Ping" event every 11 seconds, 24/7. ("guest-ping called") That's enough to massively fill the event log with stupid stuff. How can I disable this atrocious logging behavior...
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    SPICE Webdavd kills Windows Samba/SMB networking in VM :( -- where to report?

    Thanks. Well, I do encourage adding documentation about the decline in quality/growing issues. Quite sad... at least RDP is working without breaking the world.
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    SPICE Webdavd kills Windows Samba/SMB networking in VM :( -- where to report?

    @dcsapak Dominik, I've submitted the bug report. I also browsed the spice-devel email list, and overall activity of the project. UNFORTUNATELY:. Did you know: RedHat deprecated SPICE in fall of 2022?!! AND they removed it from RHEL 9. See
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    SPICE Webdavd kills Windows Samba/SMB networking in VM :( -- where to report?

    I've been going crazy... Moved my long-stable Retrospect network backup system to a Windows VM All kinds of strange anomalies have been seen My backup catalog file needs rebuilding... a long/slow process when crunching 17TB of backups, many millions of files and metadata I simply could NOT get...
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    What could I be doing to accidentally shutdown my Win10 VM?

    Great ideas! I will check them out. Not aware of RPC Shutdown, but having never had this happen to any other device on our network, that seems least likely. I'll be back at some point ;)
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    What could I be doing to accidentally shutdown my Win10 VM?

    I don't mind sharing the logs. Just... boring :) I'm thinking it's in noVNC -- not internal to the VM, and not (exactly) in ProxMox either LOL. Here's a sample log. VM 710 is the VM of interest:
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    Ummm... that page provides rather "subtle" documentation :) ... It's a sentence within an explanatory note?! Emphasis mine: In further searching, I don't find "prelaunch" anywhere in the Wiki, nor the Administrator's Guide. And I don't find a clear explanation of this risk anywhere in the...
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    What could I be doing to accidentally shutdown my Win10 VM?

    Thanks, good questions. nothing at all in journalctl at that time... only when the shutdown is complete. So honestly I can't see how ProxMox is involved in initiating the shutdown. Haven't set up auto-restart (although starting to wonder if that's a necessary workaround :( ) I can disconnect...
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    What could I be doing to accidentally shutdown my Win10 VM?

    I am new to using Windows in a VM, but VERY experienced with windows. Very often (multiple times a day), I'm online via noVNC in the ProxMox console, doing stuff in the VM. Suddenly, the VM starts to shut down. Windows event viewer says Explorer.exe did it at my request, "other (planned)"...
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    @fiona I think the biggest caution for me is this: Until now, I literally had NO idea, nor reason to believe, that a stopped VM would or could ever go active (even partially) "all by itself" in any scenario. I always think of a VM as literally a virtual computer system If off, it is OFF Truly...
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    THAT leads to the root of the problem, combined with side effects unknown to me until now: ProxMox auto-schedules VM backups at 00:00:00 Saturday morning Those backups temporarily partly-activate all VM's even if off Apparently, that partial-activation is sufficient to activate passed-through...
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    Sure... and I think you found it!!! ;) See below. Not only is this PCIe passthrough for the nVIdia card (hostpci0: 0000:01:00,pcie=1) but ALSO, VM 791 (also disabled) is an almost-duplicate with the same pass through. Here's a strange thought... at the moment I am traveling and can't test the...
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    I could but that sounds like a bandaid, not a solution ;)
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    So perhaps there's an unusual bug related to this... talk about obscure. May need to deep-dive on debug levels of the process.
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    It started the first Saturday after I added the second NVMe/mirror in early April. (Since it only happens once a week, it took a while to eliminate seemingly more obvious causes. My first thought was hardware issues... ;) ) I didn't know fleecing existed, so no ;) ... AND remember: I can't...
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    VERY strange puzzle points to Proxmox bug? Help me diagnose please!

    This is one of the strangest issues in my 50+ years of computing. Your help, ideas, diagnostic or solution suggestions most welcome! CONTEXT I have a pair of almost-the-same Proxmox VM hosts. (HP Z2 G5 SFF, well loaded.) Both have NVMe 1TB ZFS mirrored primary storage Host 2 is MUCH less busy...
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    Generic Solution when install gets FrameBuffer Mode Fails

    I am curious: I've never heard of a pure HDMI video interface card (ie one that says it is "HDMI"). What does lspci | grep -i hdmi show on your system? Every sample I can find shows "VGA compatible" for any video, and "HDMI" shows up on the audio controller (which doesn't matter for this.)...
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    Generic Solution when install gets FrameBuffer Mode Fails

    That's somewhat bad advice: 1) Yes, hitting ESC ends any data entry command (insert, append, 'open' (above or below this line) etc) ) 2) Fancy commands do NOT begin with ";" (semicolon). They begin with ":" colon! 3) But easier than :wq is ZZ (capital Z, capital Z) which is save and exit. vi --...
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    Proxmox install - ZFS on NVME, RAID1 does it make sense ?

    And neither does PLP. To quote the OpenZFS page I linked above (emphasis mine): Please re-read the OpenZFS page I linked (and the Kingston further details if interested. Not all vendors are that forthcoming with their methods!) Your explanation dates to much older hardware. For almost a...