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  1. D

    rrddata unit of measurement

    Thanks for all the help!! Quick update to help others looking into this issue, regarding the rrddata config I found the configured values in this Forum posting here: :)
  2. D

    rrddata unit of measurement

    Hi, Thank you for the answer it has cleared up a lot of confusion. There is however one question remaining, if Proxmox/rrddata looks at the /proc/net/dev file on the Host to calculate a VM's traffic which interface is then used for the calculation, all of them or just one. As an example...
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    rrddata unit of measurement

    Update: Values reported by the API are Incorrect when it comes to the netin and netout values. So I conducted my own tests based on the info provided above that rrddata/the API is getting the values from /proc/net/dev. On one of the VM's I executed the following command cat /proc/net/dev &&...
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    rrddata unit of measurement

    Hi, Thanks for the answer, I took a look at the info you posted. To my knowledge the Byte values in /proc/net/dev are aggregate meaning they are ever increasing. How does Proxmox/rrddata go about calculating the byte value that is reported by the API? Does it save the previous transmit values...
  5. D

    rrddata unit of measurement

    Hi, I am currently working on a script to track the traffic usage for the VM's in Proxmox, I have however come to a bit of a holt due to a lack of information. I am using the following command to get the netin and netout values for the past hour in minute intervals: root@prx001:/var/log/pn#...
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    [SOLVED] Ceph-Pool max_available space did not increase after adding 3 new OSD's.

    Hi, we have run into a bit of an understanding issue with our ceph cluster in proxmox. We recently added three new OSD's to our ceph cluster (24 to 27 OSD's) each OSD is 3,84TiB in size. after adding the three new OSD's we expected the max_available space for our pools to increase, this was...
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    [SOLVED] Miss matched backup_status response from API.

    Ok thank you, I will create a workaround in my script to accommodate the logic used by the PVE & PBS Servers
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    [SOLVED] Miss matched backup_status response from API.

    Hi, so I am developing/writing a script to send individual emails to our customers notifying them of their VM's backup status (successful or failed). While testing I discovered that depending on where the backup is cancelled or problem occurs the API's (Proxmox API & PBS API) respond with...
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    [SOLVED] PBS API - Optional parameter "since" not working correctly.

    Hi, so in bugzilla it says a patch has been sent to the devel list, how long until this patch then becomes available for install (How long must one wait before a patch/fix is implemented?)
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    [SOLVED] PBS API - Optional parameter "since" not working correctly.

    I have filed a bug report on bugzille:
  11. D

    [SOLVED] PBS API - Optional parameter "since" not working correctly.

    Hi, I am currently in the process of writing a script to send E-Mail notifications about the status of each VM's backup in Proxmox. To do this I am using the following API URL to get the Tasks/Backup Jobs of the previous night...