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  1. A

    Adding node to cluster crash all nodes from it

    I reinstalled pve5 to pve16 (hostname and IP never existed in cluster) and the problem returns. We are a few desperate because we need to add nodes to cluster and every add of this node crash the cluster.
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    Adding node to cluster crash all nodes from it

    I only just paid attention to the section "Re-use hostname or IP" I have some nodes out of the cluster (deprived), shoud I execute pvecm updatecerts right now to clean every files nodes before adding new nodes ? I will add 3 nodes to cluster next week, I will not re-use anymore used...
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    Adding node to cluster crash all nodes from it

    I switched all nodes to static address, it was a bad idea from the start indeed. Our Proxmox version is 6.3-4 We found something with my associate in directory /etc/pve/nodes/ : pve5 was a previous node that we removed a few months with command pvecm delnode pve5, but directory pve5 still...
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    Adding node to cluster crash all nodes from it

    Network 100.118.100.X come from interface eno1 configured in DHCP (/etc/network/interface) Also I missed to mention something about this eno1 interface : it's not "fully" dedicated to corosync We are using iKVM server monitoring accross this interface too, configured as shared LAN and not with...
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    Adding node to cluster crash all nodes from it

    Crash starting exactly after this line : Mar 30 19:11:26 pve1 pvedaemon[1080010]: <root@pam> adding node pve5 to cluster
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    Adding node to cluster crash all nodes from it

    Hi, thanks for your attention. Our cluster are using a dedicated Gigabit Ethernet port for corosync Thank return of commands : root@pve1:~# pvecm status Cluster information ------------------- Name: beeHosting Config Version: 34 Transport: knet Secure auth: on Quorum...
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    Adding node to cluster crash all nodes from it

    Hi, tonight is the second time I face a huge problem when trying to add a node to my existing cluster. My cluster contains approximately 15 nodes, I use CEPH as storage and everything is working pretty good. All our nodes and "future" nodes FQDN are contained in /etc/hosts like : -...