I did update the certs. And syslog - I have no idea. The VNC is working for sometime, in the middle of installation, I got that error and the VM is turned off. I had to start from the scratch then
Hello team, I was trying to create a windows VM in the newly installed proxmax. For some reason, Im getting "Failed to run vncproxy" in the middle of windows installation in the VM. I have tried many solutions from the forum and nothing seems to be working for me. Please help. I was following...
Hello, Im a total rookie with some experience in VMware. Im trying Proxmox for the first time and the web ui is not working. Without which I cannot create VMs. Okay, here's what Im trying to do.
I have a dedicated server in OneProv. Installed Proxmox 6 from the OS options. Then I try to go to...
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