{"data": null,"status": 501,"success": 0,"message": "Method 'GET /nodes/{node}/qemu/114/status/start' not implemented"}
It seems that on 4.4-24 there is an issue with start. But I managed to make it work with my third-party module.
Thank you anyway.
I'm trying to call start/stop with API. but I get "data": null in response.
I would like to make VM start upon creation.
Any suggestions ?
NOTE: I know this is an outdated version, but why API is not working ?
I think is better to query netin,netout on VM host name and vmid and make the calculations
SELECT SUM(netin) AS netin, SUM(netout) AS netout FROM nics WHERE host='{HOST}' AND vmid='{VMID}' AND time >= now() - 24h.
I've setup an influxDB server to collect proxmox data and I want to calculate the daily outbound traffic from every VM.
I'm using this query and I want to verify that the number I'm getting is the correct one, so I can update my ERP and check if bw usage has been extended.
I'm trying to setup InfluxDB server to store Metric data from Proxmox (v6.1-3) servers, but I'm not getting VM data (nics/cpu etc).
I have created an influxDB server that runs on UDP Port 8089
I have created status.cfg with my influxdb server/port.
I have connected to InfluxDB server...
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