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  1. M

    Intel IGD GPU Passthru Possible ?

    Hello, i run a Dedicated Server with a Intel i7 4770 CPU. That machine is running Proxmox 4.4 with 4 Windows Server 2012 VMs. Is it possible to share the IGD from the CPU on all 4 VMs at the same time ? If so maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you very much
  2. M

    Interne GPU in Proxmox verwenden

    Guten Abend, ich habe einen Dedicated Server mit einem Intel i7 4770 auf dem Debian Jessie mit Proxmox Virtual Environment 4.4-18 läuft. Jetzt suche ich nach einer Möglichkeit, dass meine VMs die auf Windows Server 2012 laufen auf die On Board Grafikkarte der CPU zugreifen können. Im Bios ist...
  3. M

    How to make use of my second HDD

    Hello together, i am running a Debian Jessie Server with two 2 TB HDDs. So far my containers are on ADA and i struggle getting my second HDD mounted to proxmox. Is it even possible to move already created VMs to another HDD ? Thanks
  4. M

    Dedicated Server - One Public IP for all VMs

    Hello, i have a dedicated Server at Hetzner with one Public IP and want to get the following Setup Use the Public IP for every Windows Server VM i setup Beeing able to have internet connection on all VMs Beeing able to RDP to all VMs with IP:PORT I spend the day reading and tryd different...