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  1. E

    PBS 3.2-7 Traffic Control not working ???

    Hi, due to 'wholes' in the administration diagrams during backups, and some failed backups, I tried to reduce the incoming traffic. I reduced it to Rate In: 256.00 MiB/s. But .... in the Network traffic diagram I can still see a peek of netin: 33.85G Is the traffic control not working? The...
  2. E

    kernel 6.8.4-2-pve and many backups failed

    Hi, we were up to date with PBS 3.2-2. After the last update with the new 6.8 kernel many backups failed. 2024-05-01T08:33:02+02:00: created new fixed index 6 ("ns/backup-41/vm/1025701/2024-05-01T06:32:54Z/drive-virtio5.img.fidx") 2024-05-01T08:33:02+02:00: add blob...
  3. E

    Feature Request for API: Shutdown

    We want to start a PBS via Power On, start a sync job and shutdown the PBS afterwards. The problem at the moment is the shutdown. There is no API function to achieve this. There is no system section. OK we can 'hack' the system and simulate the shutdown button press, or use ssh to send the shut...
  4. E

    Inconsistent API JSON for QEMU / LXC

    Hi, is there any reason why in GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/lxc vmid is a string and in GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu it is an integer? Or is it a bug? Now I need different structures to convert the JSON.
  5. E

    [SOLVED] A red cross case ...

    Hi, we switched on a long time off member of our cluster. After this we were not able to login on all members via the web GUI. We solved this by stopping corosync on all servers an started on one pair with setting expected nodes to 2 and bring up one corosync after an other. This worked and we...
  6. E

    After migration of Windows Servers 2019 a reboot is needed

    Always when we migrate Windows Servers they stuck with an error screen. After a reboot they work normal again. Today I migrated some VMs to an other node and back to update the pbs library which is used by the VMs. All 4 VMs needed a restart afterwards. It was a DomainController, 2...
  7. E

    Sync from PBS to PBS failed: too many open files

    On friday I created a sync job to copy files from PBS-02 to PBS-01 PBS-02 has different datastores and PBS-01 uses the 'new' namespace feature. Both PBS are running the latest no-subscription version 2.2.5 Updated 29.07.2022 and both rebootet, On PBS-01 (target) I get...
  8. E

    Some backups are not saved in the namespace

    Hi, I just tried to store the backups in a namespace. Most VMs and CTs are now stored inside the namespace, but some machines are stored in root. They are all in the same backup job. PVE Storage: PVE Backup job: PBS datastore: All other machines are inside of the namespace. All...
  9. E

    Since 4 weeks it starts again with failing backups.

    Hi, for a long time I got always some failing backups from Prxmox clustr to the PBS. I also reported this long time ago. Then, 3 month ago, after somenew updates it worked like charm. Now, since arround 3 or 4 weeks, again after some updates, it starts to fail on many machines. Here is one...
  10. E

    After latest update some VMs had no network

    Hi, after the lates update (ceph) some machines had no network. Circumstances: Firewall enabled on network card level, but disabled firewall of VM and disabled firewall on node and cluster. After removing the firewall flag on the network card level it starts to work again. Then I was also...
  11. E

    Debian update with open-vswitch stopped networking

    Hi, this morning I installed the latest debian updates on our cluster. I do 4 servers at once. 3 of the first 4 were losing the network connection. All 3 of them uses OVS the 4th is using linux bridges, The last message on the proxmox console was always, that it is not possible to start...
  12. E

    corosync was not able to come back

    Hi, last friday we had, unfortunately, a loop in our network. Maybe for 60 to 120 seconds, then I pulled the connector which causes the loop. After this everything looks fine again, until ... someone wants to login to our proxmox cluster: it was not possible via web. Luckily it was possible via...
  13. E

    One server always failing the backup

    Hi, we are on the latest version (2.1-2) and latest kernel (5.3.19-2) and we make many backups to this PBS. But one server from a Proxmox cluster 7.1-7 always fails. Ok, it's a big server . disk-0 100G disk-1 512G disk-2 512G disk-3 512G disk-4 512G disk-5 512G Disks are on CEPH. Network is...
  14. E

    [SOLVED]ProxMox 7.0-8 no graphs in the web GUI after upgrade from 6.4-11

    After a sucessfull upgrade from latest 6.4 to 7.0 I see only empty graph fields in the dashboard. Doesn't matter if I check the PVE node, or the VMs of the node. For testing, it is a single PVE node. Any ideas?
  15. E

    MTU not respected after enabling Cluster firewall

    Hi, strange things happens: We have a small cluster with 4 pves. All of them has vmbrs with a MTU of 9000 cause of ceph speed, 2 of them with a bond, but that's not important. The client VMs uses a MTU of 1500 for the internet interface. Every thing worked fine, large udp packets were...
  16. E

    pve shows failed, pbs shows ok

    Hi, last night I see the following: pve 6.3-6 INFO: Starting Backup of VM 134 (qemu) INFO: Backup started at 2021-04-22 01:01:26 INFO: status = running INFO: VM Name: DC001-10000 INFO: include disk 'scsi0' 'hdd-1:vm-134-disk-0' 100G INFO: backup mode: snapshot INFO: ionice priority: 7 INFO...
  17. E

    Problems with big sync job

    Since in the 'national' forum no one gaves an answer... I have a problem with a big sync job. I sync all the data from one PBS to an other at an other location. After many tries I have now from all VMs something on the sync PBS. But it fails daily on 2 images: ct/129 and vm/100 with - broken...
  18. E

    Probleme mit großem Sync Job

    Wir habe einen PBS1 auf den die Backups gemacht werden. Ein PBS2 an einem anderen Standort soll dort alles mittels 2er Sync-Jobs holen. Das Problem ist anscheinend, dass eine VM, unser file server, 2.7TB hat und es schon 6 (inkrementelle) Backups gibt. Der Sync job brach schon des öfteren ab...
  19. E

    Good way to backup from several PVE clusters to one PBS (I hope)

    I thought this would be interresting for others too: If you want to use a central PBS for more then one cluster, you run into the problem of double IDs. Ok, you can use different datastores, but then you have to know the expected sizes. We did an other aproach: We build one big datastore and...
  20. E

    Changing vlan-id and ifupdown2 fails 6.3.3

    Hi, we are using ProxMox 6.3.3 with installed ifupdown2 packet. If I change the vlan-id of a linux-vlan inteface where the vlan-id is not in the interface name and apply it, it looks good (no error), but with cat /proc/net/vlan/config you can see that the old vlan-id is in use. I need to run...