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  1. M

    Disk Throttle by Group?

    Hello, i am using the latest Proxmox Release as a 3 Node Cluster with Ceph. To prevent, that the VMs kill my IO i would like to use the Disk-Throttle feature for most VMs. Must i set the Disk-Throttle per VM or can i set this somehow per Group/Pool? Thanks, Michael
  2. M

    change corosync timeout

    Hello, i would like to increase the corosync timeout. How or where do i do that? I dont want to to fence so early. Thanks
  3. M

    DRBD9 2nd Pool

    Hello, i have a 2 Node Proxmox Cluster running. I use drbd9 as storage. DRBD9 uses /dev/sdb (Raid10 with 4 Disks). Now i would like to add another disk ( /dev/sdc ) with fast SSDs. How can i create a 2nd storage Pool so that i can choose from the GUI where i want to create that VM? I read...
  4. M

    How to reload DRBD

    Hello, how can i reload drbd in Order to activate config changes? root@node02:~# /etc/init.d/drbd reload [....] Reloading drbd configuration (via systemctl): drbd.serviceJob for drbd.service failed. See 'systemctl status drbd.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details. failed...
  5. M

    DRBD9 Status - With Proxmox 4.1.22

    Hello, i have a 3-Node Setup. Oversudden i can not create new vm anymore. The error is: TASK ERROR: create failed - drbd error: Not enough free space See my screen shots attached. If i sum up all the disks, i should have 849GB used. But my drbdpoll is 2.46TB big. root@node01:~# vgdisplay...