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  1. J

    Probem after upgrade 4.4 to 5.x

    Hi, i follow this link: and when finish the installation don't working. For fix i need to used this command: apt install proxmox-ve postfix open-iscsi Now i can access to miip:8006 but have the error with network failure. i used...
  2. J

    Help for create Cloud

    I want to create cloud vps and searching in google "HA" is this for create cloud? what need for do it? 2 or 3 nodes? i want more info, guide, ect.. Thanks
  3. J

    Don't working web interface

    Yesterday is was working but don't is page black i tried with other browser and is some. I clean the cache of the browser, restart web interfaces, upgrade the pkg and don't is fixed. pveversion -v: proxmox-ve: 4.0-22 (running kernel: 4.2.2-1-pve) pve-manager: 4.0-57 (running version...
  4. J

    [SOLVED] Don't work interface

    pveversion -v i try update and upgrade and don't work after reboot the system. (because when try update in interface don't work) The problem occurred since the interface update from the updates that had, since the interfez not working. The update did not work because novnc (console) How can...
  5. J

    Permissions user of proxmox

    Hello good as I can edit or assign permissions to one user Proxmox? Thank you.
  6. J

    Problem Proxmox OVH

    Hi, I'm on this forum because I have two days trying to use the failover IPs ovh. I tried a thousand ways but does not ping the debian server. Someone could help me? Is there a sysadmin?