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    Nvidia vGPU 16.6 drivers on 6.8 kernel - mdevctl list returns no values

    I have two proxmox nodes that have Nvidia Tesla P4s in them. I have been stuck having to pin kernel version 6.5 on these nodes for awhile now due to the vGPU kernel modules not building successfully for newer kernels. Today I noticed when updating the official vGPU host drivers to version 16.6...
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    [SOLVED] qdevice setup always fails with "Certificate database doesn't exist"

    I recently rebuilt my proxmox cluster. I have 2 proxmox nodes, and this time I am using a raspberry pi as the qnetd server. I followed the guide. For the purposes of this post, I am going to use these names: 1st proxmox node: NODE1 2nd proxmox node: NODE2 cluster name: CLUSTER As soon as I...
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    LXC container backup job in suspend mode started failing last night

    Hello all, Last night when my automated backup jobs ran, the job for backing up one of my LXC containers failed. Earlier that day I had updated all my VMs, containers, and Proxmox hosts and rebooted my hosts (which also rebooted my VMs and containers). I did not make any changes to this...
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    [SOLVED] corosync-qdevice: Can't init nss: security library: bad database

    Hello all, A few weeks ago I upgraded my proxmox homelab setup to include a cluster. I have a primary node that stays online 24/7, I have a secondary node that is turned on only when reboots are needed or in case of issues with the primary node, and I have a docker container deployed on my NAS...
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    ZFS related kernel panics on Proxmox 7.0-13

    Hi all, I have been troubleshooting issues with kernel panics on Proxmox 7.0-13 for the past week but I was unsure of the cause due to lots of configuring and setting up prior to noticing the issues. I decided to reinstall Proxmox and start from scratch today and was able to prove that...