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  1. G

    Proxmox upgrade from 2.2

    Hello, we have two proxmox servers in our office. Not clustered. One is running version pve-manager/2.2/3089a616The other is running version pve-manager/2.3/7946f1f1 I'm planning an upgrade of both servers individually. My first one will be the 2.2 version. Then I'll upgrade the 2.3...
  2. G

    Link Aggregation or just use Active-Backup

    Thanks very much mir for your help.
  3. G

    Link Aggregation or just use Active-Backup

    Thanks very much for the reply. Would changing my bonded nick from Active-Backup to 802.3ad require a reboot of my host server? Thank you.
  4. G

    Link Aggregation or just use Active-Backup

    Hello, Looking for advice from the community here. In our small office we are using Bonded Nics with Active-Backup currently. We have two Dell Powerconnect (5548) switches that are stacked (linked). I have the two bonded cables from our Proxmox Server going to each switch. So far so good...
  5. G

    Advice on using my vlan on managed switch for VM access to DMZ

    Thanks very much for the instructions. I don't have my hosts in a cluster (yet). What would change in your instructions then for my network? Do I still execute steps 1 and 2? Thank you.
  6. G

    Advice on using my vlan on managed switch for VM access to DMZ

    Hello, No, I'm not sure, but I'm hoping someone here on this forum will tell me if I need it or not. ;) Sounds like I need to add to my Proxmox Host vlan tagging. How would I do this from the GUI? I know how to setup vmbr, but how did you setup your auto vlan10 setup? I don't see your ethx...
  7. G

    Advice on using my vlan on managed switch for VM access to DMZ

    Hello, I have a security router as a gateway to our network. It has an extra Nic on it for DMZ. My plan is to have one of our VM's hosted on Proxmox connected to the DMZ for outside access. Here's my plan on how to do this. I'm hoping this community can give feedback please. I have a...
  8. G

    Looking for sync ideas between two proxmox hosts

    Outstanding! I will look into doing vzmigrate and then using rsysnce to keep the two synced using rsync. I'm now curious as to how I best to do this migrate. Each of my Host Servers have 6 Nics and I have the ability from my Managed Switch to use VLAN's for my NiCS. My VM's and GUI...
  9. G

    Looking for sync ideas between two proxmox hosts

    Just thinking about our options and the comments in this post. I know I still have a single point of failure with DRBD if my nic fails...what if I setup bonding of two nics on each host that are connected. This would help I think. Thoughts?
  10. G

    Looking for sync ideas between two proxmox hosts

    Thank you for the replies and options. If I was to use DRBD between both host servers, would I need the exact same size drive arrays on each server? Both host servers have 3 sets of raid arrays, but unfortuneately the second server was not bought by me so it's storage space is different...
  11. G

    Looking for sync ideas between two proxmox hosts

    Hello, We have two Host Servers both running Proxmox 2.2 (will be upgrading to 2.3 soon). We use local storage only for now to host our VM's. We currently use only KVM on our hosts. I would like to buy a shared storage device but at the moment we don't have the budget to invest in one so...
  12. G

    use of /etc/init.d/networking retart - Now Guests have no network access

    So I've restarted my Host Server now. Everything came back fine and my Guests can connect again. But I'm curious why this happened. Is rebooting the server the only solution if this ever happens again (not that I'll be issuing this command again) but if my Guests for some reason loose...
  13. G

    use of /etc/init.d/networking retart - Now Guests have no network access

    Hello, I foolishly issued the command /etc/init.d/networking restart on my Proxmox server and now all my Guests have no network access. All Guests are using vmbr0 (connected to eth0). I can still access my webpage (which is the IP in vmbr0). I was working on setting up vmbr1, vmbr2 and vmbr4...
  14. G

    One of our proxmox servers is dead and I can't access the gui on our other server

    Hello, Thank you for the response...I do appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. Well, it was a wild ride, but we were able to recover all our VM's. We've learned a valuable lesson with regards to ensuring our backups are being backed up away from our host server! The raid...
  15. G

    One of our proxmox servers is dead and I can't access the gui on our other server I've figured out how to remove my Server #2 from thinking it's in a cluster and I can now access my Server #2 proxmox webpage. Any ideas on my second problem? Options?
  16. G

    One of our proxmox servers is dead and I can't access the gui on our other server

    We do have an RD1000 tape backup drive...I'm wondering if we were to take a drive out of our dead server and put it into this you think it would work to view the data off that dead servers drive through the RD1000?
  17. G

    One of our proxmox servers is dead and I can't access the gui on our other server

    Oh boy...did I do a stupid thing. Our primary proxmox server #1 is dead and will not boot. I did take backups of my important KVM VM's on our server, but they all live on the server. The drives in this server are serial attached scsi and I have 3 raid arrays in this server...2 raid 1 and one...
  18. G

    Assistance with setting up an LTSP (Edubunt) server in KVM

    Hello, We use Proxmox 2.1. I have two network cards on my Host server, eth0 and eth1. In networking on the Proxmox Gui I have assigned vmbr0 to eth0 setup with IP My Gateway is I can ping and my Virtual guests can access the internet and other computers...
  19. G

    Solved: How do you move VM's to other locations on local storage

    Re: How do you move VM's to other locations on local storage Looks like it worked. The only thing left behind is the folder name for 101 (in images). Nicely done and easy too. Thank you.
  20. G

    Please assist with setting up networking on a Windows Guest

    Thank you...before I close this post, I'd like to ask a further question though that may be related to this setup we've been discussing. So I have a vlan4 setup on my switch that is assigned to vmbr3 (you are right...I should make these names match up...I will make the necessary changes)...