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  1. romanpoe

    VM Disk moved to NAS, forgot do delete Snapshot...

    thank you for your fast response, just to clarify, i have to delete everything formatted bold (myQ is the snapshotname): after this i can rm/var/lib/vz/images/100/vm-100-disk-2.qcow2 or shall I do this via Webinterface and check afterwards the folder and 100.conf? best regards Roman
  2. romanpoe

    VM Disk moved to NAS, forgot do delete Snapshot...

    Dear all, unfortunately I forgot to delete a the snapshot of the localdisk and i migrated (without delete) the disk to the nfs share on our NAS at the moment the (productive) machines is running with the NAS disk very well, but i am unable do delete the local stored and unused disk because of...