Search results

  1. J

    zfs snapshot of / excluding /rpool

    running a very simple set-up with Proxmox on ZFS I'm looking to have snapshot of everything in /etc and other select directories. Essentially / without rpool and subsequent volumes. Since df -h shows mountpoint to be /root/RPOOL/pve-1 / i tried: zfs snapshot -r rpool/ROOT/pve-1@may2024...
  2. J

    Proxmox 8.2 broke after upgrade, now proxy error 500

    I don't understand what you're asking # pveupdate # pveupgrade
  3. J

    Proxmox 8.2 broke after upgrade, now proxy error 500

    After a mere pveupdate+pveupgrade the standalone Proxmox VE is now broken (again) Things that broke are : a kernel module .conf file (fix= `rm /etc/modprobe.d/e1000e.conf`) the GPU udev rules suddenly contained GROUP== instead of GROUP= (fix: remove = from ==) not 100% sure but the monitor...
  4. J

    RRDC and RRD update errors

    thanks, did work for some time but the issue is back and resurfaces after multiple repeats of this sequence
  5. J

    RRDC and RRD update errors

    unless you did something not documented here and something I've not tried yet, the issue will resurface my system is a single-node Proxmox set-up, which I think is part of the issue resurfacing
  6. J

    RRDC and RRD update errors

    no solutions presented in this thread work and keep working this seems to be an issue which is not addressed as it only seems to happen on non-cluster proxmox ?
  7. J

    Had Proxmox already had a zero day vulnerability?

    @mfgamma not sure what you mean with that. In terms of attack surface OPNsense inside or outside of Proxmox is not so much different. To make the picture more complete. Know it is possible yet of low likelihood a vulnerability will exist in both Linux and BSD. Of the top of my head I only...
  8. J

    GPU Passthrough - Error 43

    i wasted a lot of time on pci-passthrough with AMD GPU eventually I ... started using a reset script for the PCI which is required with some GPU This is more or less what is required, in case you want to attempt 2 GPU in your machine erased all configuration added to the boot loader (mostly...
  9. J

    Had Proxmox already had a zero day vulnerability?

    Depends entirely in how far you'd trust pfsense/opnsense. This week I finally had time to dive into the OPNSense Suricate service crashing issue. This issue is poorly documented or I missed out on where it is documented. Now I do have a bit more trust in OPNSense. Obviously chances an freemium...
  10. J

    Cannot configure vtnet (virtio) slot size in OPNSense network adapter

    there are actually limitations to virtio queue size (max = 1024), you can actually find that with a few minutes on a search engine
  11. J

    Cannot configure vtnet (virtio) slot size in OPNSense network adapter

    you seem to conflate network interfaces which are virtual and network interfaces which are virtual -device 'virtio-net-pci,mac=XXX,netdev=net0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x12,id=net0,vectors=10,mq=on,packed=on,rx_queue_size=1024,tx_queue_size=256' setting this manually in 105.conf is probably mandatory
  12. J

    Proxmox 8.13 + OPNSense 23.7 crash

    silly checklist * does the Protectli VP4650 have virtualisation enabled and/or hyperthreading ? * is the Qemu-guest-agent installed in opnsense ? * are you bonding network interfaces ? * how many cores did you assign to the opnsense vm ? * how much memory did you assign to the opnsense vm ?
  13. J

    Cannot configure vtnet (virtio) slot size in OPNSense network adapter

    wild guess, this depends on the VM network interface not being the physical network interface for proxmox ?
  14. J

    [SOLVED] How to do VLAN networking with virtual OPNsense

    I had a similar challenge. In the end you need to mark the bridge as VLAN-aware, that's about it. Mind you, it can make sense to create vlan-enabled bridges, and I eventually did.
  15. J

    [SOLVED] OPNSense VM with Suricata IPS service crashes [how-to-fix]

    This how-to-fix post to inform people on how Suricata crashes with OPNSense on Proxmox (any version) can be remediated. The advisories here may not be suitable for production environments, I trust you know this already. Context VM-hardware has Q35 chipset and uses virtio network interfaces...
  16. J

    LXC DNS name not working

    No, in my case it was not. It really is udhcp deployed by proxmox on the server.
  17. J


    @archerne same issue here, this is beyond weird to me at this time
  18. J

    [SOLVED] possible bug causing white / blank page for the webui @ port 8006

    After hours of messing with this situation it , most likely and probably, comes down to some awkward stuff going on This situation defies explanation as "the problem" seems to not only happen by itself but also by some unknown parameters. The end result is the Proxmox Web Interface loading then...
  19. J

    rewriting the hosts file zapped /etc/pve/*, now it's back

    so if i change the non-loopback-ip address to a different non-loopback address and reboot the system all will work well ?
  20. J

    rewriting the hosts file zapped /etc/pve/*, now it's back

    Thanks. That error escaped me. I was only confronted with a seemingly wiped folder. is there a documented procuedure on how to change the non-loopback iP ?