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  1. L

    [SOLVED] Having trouble deleting container in 4.2

    So... mark (the post) as SOLVED so! Greetings!
  2. L

    [SOLVED] migration from raw to qcow2, Windows XP guest won't boot

    When you sayd migrate, you refer to use the "Move disk" from the Web UI? And, the Bus/Devices combination is EXACTLY the same? (for example: VirtIO/0 instead of IDE/1). This is the most commonly problems with XP Guests. Greetings!
  3. L

    Proxmox and sssd pam auth

    But, you already tried the PVE way? Alternatively, you have LDAP auth method. And one more: you can create users in the system as in this post. Greetings!
  4. L

    [SOLVED] Having trouble deleting container in 4.2

    mmm.... really, i don't know why you get this error. But, you can try cleaning the thing manually. That is, remove the storage in where the rootfs resides (and any other storage medium if any), and then erase the configfile. For that, you need to known (surely that you known) what type of...
  5. L

    [SOLVED] Having trouble deleting container in 4.2

    for IDofCT i meant ID of Container. So, your command must be: root@agc:~# lxc-destroy -o /tmp/destroyed.log -l INFO -n 104 -f with that, you are saying that want to destroy your LXC 104, that want a INFO logging level, and save it in /tmp/destroyed.log and the -f switch at the end, is for force...
  6. L

    INFO: task ... blocked for more than 120 seconds.

    one time i had the same problem and was for disk out of space.
  7. L

    [SOLVED] systemd not starting on lxc

    Hello. Try to enable the services in your CTs running (inside your CTs obviously) systemctl enable servicename.service. Gretings!
  8. L

    [SOLVED] Having trouble deleting container in 4.2

    mmm... let's see... Supposed that you are in pve-node1 host, that is the node in where you have your evil and demoniac CT. So, you are logging through ssh or physically in the front of a monitor connected to that node. Run a commands in your bash shell. You destroyed the CT with ID 666...
  9. L

    Proxmox and sssd pam auth

    Is incorrect. I think that if you want sssd, maybe is because you are thinking in get auth from your AD LDAP. But, you don't need sssd on your node to authenticate against AD in the web based console. For that purpose, you can configure auth against AD from the web interface. Go to Datacenter...
  10. L

    [SOLVED] Having trouble deleting container in 4.2

    Are the LXC running? What say the command lxc-info --name ID in the State filed? RUNNING? If running, you should stop the LXC first with lxc-stop --name ID. And then, destroy the LXC with lxc-destroy --name ID. Greetings!
  11. L

    Configuring Proxmox VE 4 as an iSCSI target

    According to this article, SCST is much better that LIO... But, good information anyway. Greetings!
  12. L

    Configuring Proxmox VE 4 as an iSCSI target

    Hello. Take a look to this PVE Wiki. Is the more close to a easy way to get scst working without worries in Proxmox 4.x/Debian 8.x The fact of have subscriptions is not envolved in anyway for that. Greetings!
  13. L

    Can't import ZFS pool in cluster

    Hello. Any plans to support scst iSCSI targets? Is frustrating to have a working storaged (with scst as target), and no support for use ZFS over iSCSI from Proxmox... (only comstar, istgt, and iet)
  14. L

    ProxMox 4.2 less stable than 3.4

    The unique problem that I have with PVE 4.x series is with LXC Containers, that in some cases produces a reboot of the node in witch they are. But is a problem related to LXC (that i recently discover, yesterday), and no with PVE 4.x itself... (in PVE 3.x series, the LXC doesn't exist).
  15. L

    [SOLVED] No access to LVM over iSCSI after a node reinstallation

    Solved! The problem was given with the iSCSI initiator name. Unlike that happened with the other nodes of the cluster, this time there was a change of NICs adapters, that produced a different random iSCSI Initiator names (use the MAC address of the NICs for that). Ok. I knew this, and I had...
  16. L

    Looking for *.iso's on local

    mmm... curious.... From the Web GUI, I select Create VM, and when try to list the ISO images from local storage the same problem (show me nothing). Then, I navigate to local (node-name), select 'Content', and the ISOs are there... One more again, I try to Create VM, and when select the local...
  17. L

    [SOLVED] No access to LVM over iSCSI after a node reinstallation

    We are, without knowing where to focus on my problem (multipath? ISCSI? LVM? or something else that i don't known?) Greetings!
  18. L

    [SOLVED] No access to LVM over iSCSI after a node reinstallation

    Hello community. (this is my first post :)). I was working with ProxmoxVE from the 3.0 version. I always followed the guidelines, wikis and forums, and so I was able to solve problems without major complications. Thus tasks such as updating, re-installing nodes, configuration of different types...
  19. L

    cman expected votes question

    So, depending the number of nodes in a cluster, is not possible to change the needed votes to get quorum? I want to change these values of needed votes for quorum and the number of votes for each node. So, i'm asking me if can i change the votes of a node? For example, if i have a cluster of 5...