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  1. F

    Help! LVM snapshots with vzdump

    Hello, I would like to be able to do live snapshots of my VMs. The disk images for my test VMs are currently sitting on an xfs formatted RAID array. Can I create a volume group with my array, format it as xfs, mount it to a directory, add it as storage in proxmox and have working lvm snapshots...
  2. F

    qemu-nbd with proxmox 1.5

    Ahh! So I need to install the 'pve-qemu-kvm package? I just did an apt cache search and I see it. Thank you! --Will
  3. F

    qemu-nbd with proxmox 1.5

    Hey Udo, thank you for your quick reply! I dont seem to have qemu-nbd, which returns nothing: FOUNDRY:~# which qemu-nbd FOUNDRY:~# Find also returns nothing: FOUNDRY:/# find -name qemu-nbd FOUNDRY:/# I used the proxmox 1.5 ISO to install on this server, and I have not changed anything...
  4. F

    qemu-nbd with proxmox 1.5

    Hello, I am trying to migrate a physical windows server to a proxmox VM. I am fallowing this guide:,Physical (running) server to Proxmox VE (KVM) using SelfImage. However I cant find qemu-nbd anywhere on the system, I tried to use...