Weird thing is that it did work until the last update ;) I do keep datasets at a sublevel...
dir: local
path /var/lib/vz
maxfiles 0
content rootdir,iso,vztmpl
zfspool: test-vms
pool test-vm/vms
sparse 1
content rootdir,images
After last update in no-subscription on one of my test servers, zfs fails to import and mount datasets on boot.
PVE however creates directories which will then prevent zfs from mounting the datasets afterwards. Also one of my pools needs manually importing now instead of automatic mounting like...
trim is still in progress ...
right now i'm running bets which feature will be ready first: trim or encryption ;)
Awesome release by the way...
Some of them:
- using compressed zfs send/receive might spedd up vm migration and should save some cpu cycles...
- pause/resumeable scrub might come handy soemtimes
- compressed arc should...
Brauchst du nicht. Ein Snapshot wird auf dem Quellpool erstellt. Ist ja "nur" ein Referenzpunkt. Den kannst du dann auf andere Pools (auch über Netzwerk) kopieren (inkrementell), musst du aber nicht.
Ok, also works with files created on my ZFS notebook (using Docker for lazyness and cause im used to do everything with Docker *g*)
mkdir /tmp/docker /tmp/docker/iso
# put iso into iso folder
curl -sL -o...
Weird, will have a look at it. Built it on my Laptop which runs on ZFS too.
Edit: Nope, built it on another machine, will try to confirm the ZFS thingy...
Immer! Copy on Write Systeme wie ZFS helfen aktuell ganz gut gegen diverse fiese Cryptotrojaner, weil ein Snapshot immer schön Read Only ist....und erst mal nichts kostet. Kann man also ruhig mal stündlich oder öfter anlegen ;)
Dazu brauchts auch keinen weiteren Server. Das senden der ZFS...
Install the package:
echo "kexec-tools kexec-tools/load_kexec boolean false" | debconf-set-selections
apt-get -y install kexec-tools
Create /etc/systemd/system/kexec-pve.service with content:
Description=boot into into the current pve kernel
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