Try this guide
You also need to accept IPv6 router advertisement
accept_ra 2
It is because godaddy no longer allows api to update dns records anymore. You need at least 50 domains with them before you can use the API again. Either host your own DNS server or move to cloudflare.
I added the reject rule to block local lan
set v4-dc/lan {
type ipv4_addr
flags interval
elements = {,, }
set v4-dc/lan-nomatch {
The last rule in chain do-reject is wrong. I was wondering why the connection keeps timing out instead of immediately getting a reject.
It is currently at drop when it should be reject, even the rule name is do-reject!
chain do-reject {
meta pkttype broadcast drop
ip saddr
I had this for both IPv4 and IPv6
nft add table ip nat
nft 'add chain ip nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority -100; }'
nft 'add rule ip nat prerouting ip daddr tcp dport { 443 } dnat'
nft add table ip6 nat
nft 'add chain ip6 nat prerouting { type nat...
I will test it once the update comes out.
Also, I filed a bug report for DHCPv6 setup for proxmox since something is recreating DUID on every boot.
Bug report...
fd88::/64, is my home subnet, I allowed the gateway fd88::1, and blocked the rest. It used to work with iptables.
If I connect to a VM (fd88::a97, then no connection is possible.
From my local LAN computer. Same rules
chain group-deny-lan-access-in {
chain group-deny-lan-access-out {
ip6 daddr fd88::1 accept
ip daddr accept
ip6 daddr fd88::/64 drop
ip daddr...
You are using a static config, you can use IPv6 token to add static suffix to your proxmox host.
accept_ra 2
up ip token set ::71c6:b34f:8e2a:54f5 dev vmbr0
Hopefully it works, I am currently using it right now myself. Once you reboot your router and it clears the stored DUID, start proxmox and copy the newly assigned client id from /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.vmbr0.leases and paste it in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
interface "vmbr0" {
If your Proxmox host does not boot try rebooting the router, proxmox waits until a new lease is received and once you reboot the router, your router gives a new lease and proxmox boots immediately.
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