Just read that slaac does not work on bridges - https://www.reddit.com/r/Proxmox/comments/oq2rgi/how_to_use_ipv6_slaac_and_dhcpv6_for_the_proxmox/
I would recommend you to use IPv6 tokens to set a suffix this way the prefix can change any time.
I also use dhcpv6, follow the guide here and see if it works for you. https://saudiqbal.github.io/Proxmox/proxmox-IPv6-interface-setup-DHCPv6-or-static.html
This is what I found in my logs, I still dont know after so many years why Proxmox changes the value of default-duid in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.vmbr0.leases on every boot.
Dec 28 02:32:38 s02 info[892]: executing ip -o addr show vmbr0
Dec 28 02:32:38 s02 info[892]: vmbr0: dhclient: new address...
I wish there was a one time donation option like $25 just to remove the subscription warning and show support for Proxmox and keep the No-Subscription Repository.
You can install wildcard certificate using acme.sh in Proxmox, I use acme.sh for my non wildcard proxmox sub domain using DNS verification but you can request a wildcard certificate as well.
I made a UPS monitor using a Raspberry pi which shuts down my Proxmox server after 3 minutes of power loss and starts the server once the power is back. Have a look at it here : https://saudiqbal.github.io/Linux/APCUPSD-UPS-Server-Proxmox-Notification.html
I used to use custom gotify php file to catch Proxmox notification into my central log and notification system but now webhook is available I got it to work directly with my own notification log system. If you have examples of webhook API working for different services post them here.
Mine is...
I do use DHCPv6 for Proxmox host to keep track in my router.
This is my config - https://saudiqbal.github.io/Proxmox/proxmox-IPv6-interface-setup-DHCPv6-or-static.html
It would be nice to see a valid lets encrypt cert for download.proxmox.com, I know it is ok for an invalid cert but for a big company like proxmox it does not look good to see an invalid cert warning. Its free to get a valid cert from Letsencrypt.
I run fstrim daily for all my VMs and Proxmox using these two simple commands
sed -i -e "s?OnCalendar=weekly?OnCalendar=daily?g" /usr/lib/systemd/system/fstrim.timer
systemctl daemon-reload
Well all I wanted is to set up a VM, create a backup, download it and send it to my family members or friends and all they have to do is upload the zst file via the GUI. But this is not a big problem, just a suggestion to make life easier.
In the backup section of GUI Proxmox need buttons for quick download and upload of backup files. Suppose I want to download a VM and send it to someone I should have a quick download button to download zst file and a upload button to upload it easily on a different server instead of first...
Looks like I might have asked the wrong question and the above solutions can be ignored. Don't even worry about them. I will try to ask the question again in simple terms.
I created two firewall rules in a group and applied to my all my VMs
Group name: Block LAN
Rule1: out - /...
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