I've tried to upgrade an old server running Proxmox 1.5 to last level with
# aptitude update
# aptitude safe-upgrade
Everything worked as expected , and I checked that grub menu.lst to point to 2.6.32 kernel. But after reboot:
1.- 2.6.32 kernel does not start, it says that...
Same problem here
proxmox:~# modinfo atl1c
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.35-2-pve/kernel/drivers/net/atl1c/atl1c.ko
license: GPL
description: Atheros 1000M Ethernet Network Driver
author: Jie Yang <jie.yang@atheros.com>
Re: Reducing the size of a KVM Windows machine
Thank you very much, I did not found that wiki page...
I've followed your instructions and have my machine resized with no problem.
On first start, after resizing, windows machine performed a CHKDSK , and after reboot it worked.
Reducing the size of a KVM Windows machine
I've been searching the forum without success for this question:
I've several KVM Windows machines that were created with default disk size of 32GB . Disks are RAW.
Now I'm getting short on disk space and would like to reduce disk sizes.
Thanks e100 :
According Proxmox Docu, KSM should start when less than 50% of Ram is free, but with defaults from ksmtuned:
It never started in my configuration .... (4Gb Memory and 800 Mb free)
You Note:
I've tryed to make pfsense work, also without success. It seems I'm missing some basic but necessary config for Proxmox...
I would like to use a Proxmox server with two dedicated ethernet cards for router purposes, and assing them to the router (pfsense) virtual machine
Can you please post a...
Can you point how can you 'use physical ethernet cards' mapped to Virtio ??
I will like to install it on a Proxmox box with three ethernet cards (may be two):
-One for WAN (RED on ipFire)
-One for Lan (Green on IPFIRE)
-One for Proxmox maintenance/configuration (eth0/vmbr0)
Same problem here (KSM does not work). With two Wxp identical machines (restarted some times), I get pages_shared = 0 .
I can not find instruction to install a package from pvetest (to try KVM 0.14.1).
Can you point me to these instrucions ??
Best regards
Today I've re-started Proxmox for the first time, and found following problem:
During system start-up, it makes fsck on hard disks-> no problem, and then, it tries to do fsck on isci disk, without success..
Start-up halts waiting for pressing Ctrl-D to continue or enter root password...
I've found a copy of precompact, and made tests.
Tests were done against a KVM Windows XP machine with a single 10 GB (IDE raw) disc.
There are 5,5 GB free, but may be sometime in the past disk was almost full, so it was supposed to be full of 'old-deleted' data. So mi interest for...
Could you please, provide basic instructions to run Zeroshell under Proxmox KVM?
I'm thinking of use the CD ISO distribution to start, and configure a little hard disk to keep config&logs. Do you use this approach?
Also is there any way to link a virtual ethx to a physical interface ??
Can anybody please post results (improvements ?) by using precompact ??
Can it be used with windows XP KVM (ide raw) virtual machine ?
Also can not find a link to obtain this program (all what I've seen is that is a part of Windows 7 ...)
tested, and it works:
After umount /mnt/iscsi1 , from proxmox web page Directory looks empty.
After mount -a all contents are there !!!
Thank you very much to everybody for his support !!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Well I've made all the process according your recomendations and have arrived to have a directory mounted on /mnt/iscsi1 i.e:
Created partition /deb/sdb1 with cfdisk using all the available space.
formated with mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
then mkdir /mnt/iscsi1 and finally mount /dev/sdb1...
Thanks both dswart & udo.
Fortunately I was just going to start doing the process..
Investigatig how to create a partition, seems that cfdisk will help me ...
Also will try to understand /etc/fstab terminology, as it does not look very clear to me...
Will inform of results.
Best Regards...
Thanks for your interest. Yes, I know that, but the owner of the SAN server says that it can not provide NFS Shares .... ....
So it is the only way (that I've found) to obtain the needed storage for vzdumps, being external to the prommox server.
By the way, do you find my procedure correct or...
Thanks for your answer. That was what I was thinking...
I've tried following method for a work around to use iscsi for destination of vzdump backups, and it works on a test machine.
It basically uses an iSCSI Target and mounts it as a local directory:
This is the procedure I used...
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