I think, this is the same as in https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3026 (3 months ago)
It seems, that this is not releated to the Filesystem - i can reproduced this with cepf and lvmthin.
interessting point.... the containers are on lvmthin or ceph.
When i try to restore to lvmthin instead of ceph, the quota-files are not the problem but the restore fails with some other files and mtime:
Error: error extracting archive - error at entry "": failed to apply directory...
It looks like a restore with pbs is not possible if it is an LXC container with quotas.
Error: error extracting archive - error at entry "aquota.group": failed to restore mtime attribute on "aquota.group": Operation not permitted (os error 1)
TASK ERROR: unable to restore CT 127 - command...
This is a working config:
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface lo inet6 loopback
auto enp0s31f6
iface enp0s31f6 inet static
address 88.198.aa.bb
pointopoint 88.198.xx.xx
gateway 88.198.xx.xx
iface enp0s31f6 inet6 static...
I have the same problems with a proxmox6-cluster (the proxmox5-cluster is not affected).
I see the problem, when a xxx.your-storagebox.de is not availiable (maintaince or something similar). As long as there is no backup-task running / staled, i can umount the cifs-mount with umount...
Die Storage-Boxen sind unterschiedlich flott. Das hängt aber auch vom jeweilgen Server ab. Ich hab hier - je nach Server - zwischen 35MiB/s und 90MiB/s beim Zugreifen auf die gleiche Storage-Box.
Und 500GB dauern schon etwas, ja.
Wo liegen denn die Images, die Du zurückspielen willst? Wenn die auf einer Storage-Box liegen, kann die Verbindung dorthin durchaus "etwas weniger schnell" sein.
Maybe. ;) But you have to request additional MAC addresses and this is only possible for single IPs. Multiple IP addresses cannot be used in one VM. IPv6 can only be used on the host or in a single VM.
Beside this: we have a script, that can create the network-config for your server(s) with a...
we just released a script, that installs proxmox 5.x or 6.x on a dedicated server.
There is also a small script to configure your /etc/network/interfaces for any of your servers (you just need access to the hetzner-api).
The details can be found here: Script to install Proxmox 5.x and 6.x...
Are you sure, that you want all 4 HDDs in the same raid?
I would use sda and sdb as raid-1 for the system and sdc and sdd in another raid-1 for proxmox.
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