I had almost the same problem about a year ago. For some reason (we still don't know why), the cable was a little too long. The link could not be established for this one connection only. A shorter cable then worked. Can you perhaps test this too?
Ah you mean some graphics card passed through to the VM?
That I understand this correctly. Access from PVE works, but PBS itself no longer sees the pool correctly? But you can access it on the CMD (only files)?
Thank you for your ideas. Basically, containers are intended for smaller things. But for some situations this can be quite helpful.
I can't tell you technically how well this could be implemented. But it is certainly a good idea to write it as a feature request.
How is this to be understood exactly... the behavior also occurs if you use the boot disk as scsi0 and have an additional disk with scsi8, the system can boot but the disk with scsi8 is not recognized.
Or does it only affect the boot disk when an additonal disk with scsi8 is attached?
Are there no more virtual disks of this container at all, or is only this one disk missing? Or does the container only have a virtual hard disk?
If these virtual disks no longer exist, you can also simply delete the VM config under “/etc/pve/nodes/<yournode>/lxc/<vmid>”.
When I search the Internet for the error message, I always find information that there is no more free disk space.
Have a look at the Proxmox Stats, there you can see very nicely how the consumption was at the backup time.
For example:
The current check with the smart values seems to be “still” ok. It hasn't been switched off often. Has been running for about 5 years. Raw Read Error yes... that's nothing unusual.
Tell me... how many hard disks are actually installed? Raid level?
I have just seen that the page is not up to date. Because there is now a full integration for Proxmox Backup Server. The software also recognizes all the VMs in the backup stores.
Irgendetwas scheint da völlig um's Eck zu laufen. Beim reinkopieren des Logs, hat's da auch was mit dem Zeilenumbruch. Ich vermute mal du greifst mit einer Microsoft Windowskonsole darauf zu.
Es heist auch pveproxy service o_O
Was verwendest du denn da als USB Speicher genau? Prüf...
Danke für die Info.
Hat sich bewusst etwas verändert seit dem funktionierenden Neustart? Ist gegen vorhin etas anders was dieses Verhalten erklären könnte?
Die Maschine an sich ist grundsätzlich ganz gut. Das mit USB gefällt mir gar nicht. Wann kommt denn der neue Controller?
Wobei die Meldung...
I haven't tested it yet. But have you ever qm remote-migrate tested it?
qm help remote-migrate
This makes it possible to migrate entire VMs without a cluster to another Proxmoxhost via the API. And all without ZFS.
Erzähle uns bitte ein wenig mehr über deine Installation.
Welche Proxmox Version hast du installiert?
Welches Disklayout? Raid mit ZFS, Hardwareraid, einzellne Disk...?
Welche CPU ist verbaut und wie viel RAM
Hat Proxmox auf der Maschine schon einmal funktioniert?
Und das wichtigste: Kannst...
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